Wedding Preparations [Wedding Arc pt.1]

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Hi hi~ This is PuddingLord~ Thanks to all of you who followed, vote, and support from this story~ The wedding arc that I'm about to write will be divided into 4 parts. If I make a mistake about the parts in the future I'm sorry ^^" I only have the rough sketch of what will I wrote in the future chapters... After the wedding arc is done, is off to the honeymoon~ And after that.... It will end.


I only follow the original flow of the show and there won't be a spin-off like will they keep the relationship after the show is over. I won't be making it cuz the story flow.... I gotta say... It my view, it's actually failed story since the early chapters. I want to redo it, but the views rating was unexpectedly fast and high, so remaking it will just make two time the jobs.

And so... I'll just get to the chapter! Enjoy the first part of the Wedding Arc! \(^O^)/


-°-°-°-Yuuna's POV-°-°-°-

Today is the day of our wedding. We meet up early in the morning to prepare the wedding set. The tent that's going to the used for us is all set with the flowers decorations. We took Baekhyun Oppa's advice on having a wedding in our garden. Right now, both of us is moving a table to the front of our house gate. It's where we put the game equipments for the guest. When they got in, there will be a display of our wedding photoshoots. There's a wedding photo naming session. The guests can freely write their comments and messege to the photos. And there's also a wish tree in the entrance to our house. In japan, it's a tradition in a certain date to make a wish with the Tanabata Tree. I suggest the idea to Oppa. Guests will write the wish on the provided paper and hang their wish on the tree branches. In note, you can't put your name after you're done writing the wish. And the reason why will be known later....

While I'm preparing another event for the guest, Oppa is changing into his wedding tuxedo. We want our wedding to be a fun event and memory for the guests too, not only us. The door to the room that Oppa was changing suddenly creaked and he stepped out in the tuxedo that we picked that time. He combed his bangs to the left, he knows I like that hairstyle on him.

"How do I look?" He asked. Shouldn't the answer be obvious "Handsome..." I said while fixing his tie a little.

"Aren't you going to change?"

"I am. Wait here." I quickly walk to the changing room that Oppa used to change.

-°-°-°-V's POV-°-°-°-

It's our wedding day...

Our wedding day...

Our- Aggghhhh!!!!

I can't keep calm and start to walk around in circles. I took out my phone from my pocket and search for any contact that can relief my stress. Quickly I called the person I thought can calm me down.


"Jimin! Where the heck are you and the others?!" I shouted, making him think that he and the others will be late for the wedding. But the wedding is still about three hours ahead.

"Bwo?? It already start?!"

"...No. I was joking." I said. But both Jimin and I didn't crack a laugh. I let out a heavy sigh "Jimin-ah~"

"Hm? What's up with you on your wedding day! It's your big day man!!"

"I-I'm.... I'm nervous.... Help me!!!"

Jimin laughed on the other line "How?! Calm down now... We will go there soon. Take a deep breath now... and relax..."

I do what Jimin adviced me too. Little by little, I start to calm down.


"Yeah... Thanks a lot. I know I can count on you!"

"Don't stress out! I'll see you soon!"

Jimin hangs up his phone. I let out a sigh again. I replayed the word relax in my head a couple of times. Just then, I heard the door creaked and I turn my neck spontaneously to the door.

Right now...

I might mistake Yuuna for a goddess.

She walked slowly towards me, looking down with an embarassed expression. I helped her to sit on the high stool that I prepared. If she sit on the sofa, her dress might get crumpled. She gripped my hand tightly. I can tell she was nervous just like I am from her expression. About half an hour she tried to caln herself. I lift my left arm to the my wristwatch. I think the guys should be here any moment. Slowly, I tried to let go of her grip.

"I'm going to check if the guests are here." I said. She nod softly and I walked out from our house through the backdoor to the front gate to greet the guest.

I heard footsteps and voices to our way from the turn that lead to our house.

The firsts guests are....

Will be revealed in the next chapter!!! XD

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