Guests Arrives

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-°-°-°-V's POV-°-°-°-

Ding Dong....

I rushed to the front door from the kitchen. Yuuna is still preparing something and keeps hiding it from me. I peaked a little.

"What's the password?"

"Kim Taehyung is an alien."

"Okay, come in." I open the door and got a manly hug from him. Sungjae hugged me tight and said a congratulation on having a new house. Behind him was Ilhoon sunbaenim, giving a congratulation hug to me after Sungjae does.

"Your house is quiet big...." Sungjae stared in awe just from the living room. We moved to the TV room and saw Yuuna who was putting the drinks on the coffee table.

"This is my wife. Haruno Yuuna." She stand up and bowed politely infront of my two friends with a soft smile.



Q: From a friend's point of view, what do you think of her?

Sungjae: "He found himself a good wife. Just seeing her, I thought 'wow... she has a motherly and wife aura around her!' V's type is mostly a caring and loving girl. And I got a feeling, they will make a great pair. *thumbs up*"

Ilhoon: "I'm not that close with V, but since he's a close buddy with Sungjae and BTOB is also in good terms with BTS, I've come to get close to all the members. When I saw her, I thought that she's really pretty. She's really cute when she smiles. He's lucky to get that girl."


"Annyeonghaseo..." Yuuna greet politely and make the two guys smile widely. Man, I'm getting jealous already....

"This one is...?" She looked at Sungjae who was standing on my right side. "This is Sungjae and Ilhoon sunbaenim." Both of bowed infront of Yuuna.

"You speak korean?"

"Yes, but I'm still learning." She answer shyly. Is she taking a liking to the two of them? I shouldn't have agree to this housewarming idea....


The two of them seat on the grass carpet with us. "Are you younger than V?"

"Yes. I was born in '96" Both of them hummed an answer. I saw Yuuna making an expression change. I have a bad feeling about this....

"Do you know.... any secrets about Tae Oppa?" I knew it!!! I pull out an empty laugh, looking down to the floor.

"He's really open about his feelings, so there's almost nothing to say..." Sungjae, my good friend!! I owe you one man!!! I stole a glance at Yuuna who was kind of disappointed when she tried to pull a smile.

"Ah! But if you want to know about his habbits and behaviours, you might want to ask his members! They know everything." Sungjae... I took back all of the things I said about you just now...!!!

The atmosphere got quiet for a while when a loud door bang to my house was heard, caught all of that was enjoying a peaceful moments in surprise. Even Sungjae bumped his head to the sofa. And if I only take a picture of that.... Just where is Suga-hyung's camera when I need it...

"V OPEN UP THE DOOR ALREADY!!" I know who that voice belong to and make a laugh. Ilhoon sunbaenim seems to know it too, since he's really close with that door breaking guy.

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