Wedding Ceremony [Wedding Arc Pt.3]

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A/N: Wowww... Thanks for all of your support and I haven't update for a week >< I'm so sorry!! Enjoy the newest chapter and also read my other story about EXO-K and BTS as Roommates!! Please support my new story as much a this one!!! >w

-°-°-°-Author's POV-°-°-°-

"We are gathered here to witness our close friend, Kim Taehyung-sshi wedding. I'm Baekhyun will be the MC of the wedding." Baekhyun finished his opening and the audience gave a loud clap.

"Born in 30 December 1995.... He was like a son to me... That's why I'm having a hard time letting him go..." Baekhyun looks up to the sky with a made up sentimental eyes "I'm joking...." He cleared his throat.

"The star of today, the only man wearing white tuxedo. Taehyung-sshi, come out now!!" A music was being played by Chanyeol next to Baekhyun MC podium and V start coming in while showing his body wave. The crowd got excited and start shouting V's real name. V walked to the wedding altar and the chorus group that Baekhyun planned start to take their position, making V's eyes widened in confusion.

"Chanyeol-sshi! Music cue!!" Baekhyun said and Chanyeol turn on the instrumental of the song D.O, Chen, Jungkook, and Jimin are singing. V laughed as soon he knows the song. He never thought that they will plan something like this. Yuuna's figure walks slowly to the altar while being serenaded by the song. She got into the altar and stood beside V.

"Do you take Haruno Yuuna as your wife that you will love, share your life and never hide any personal matter whatsoever from her?" Baekhyun said.

"I don't think that's the right vow, Hyung..." V tried to hold his laugh "I was in a hurry making this! Can we get this moving?" V nodded and try to get back his cool.

"I do." V said firmly. Yuuna can only blushed beside him while the crowd goes wild at V's firm statement.

"And do you take Kim Taehyung as your husband that you love, share your life, and never hide any personal matter whatsoever from him?" Baekhyun said the same line again.

"Yes... I do...." Yuuna said in a soft voice, the embarassment she's filling now is making hot blood rush to her face and almost make her cry. Chanyeol took out a small ring case from his pocket. Baekhyun choose him to be the bestman to hold the wedding rings. He gave the rings to V and he open the top slowly. He took he first ring and put it on his wife's delicate finger. As soon he finish putting on the ring on his wife, it's his wife turn to put the ring into her husband finger. She finished quickly and V kissed her forehead and her hand with the wedding ring softly. The crowd goes wild again.

"Let's welcome the new couple!!!" Baekhyun said and pop a confetti to the new wedded couple. Chanyeol is in charge of throwing the flower petals to the wedded couple and the guest as they partied together. V never thought that Baekhyun will do something like this for him. He felt really happy to have a great sunbae who care this much about him.

"Yuuna-sshi, can throw the wedding bouquette to the crowd??" Baekhyun asked, Yuuna turned around and throw the bouquette she was holding to the air.

And it landed on.....


The BTS members shout in happiness and laughed like crazy when Eric got the bouquette.

"Good for you Hyung!! It's time to look for a wife now!!" Rapmon shouted.

"You're not gonna be 20 forever!!!" Jhope laughed hard until he fall down to the grass. Eric can only put on a poker and hoped that hi dongsaeng teasing will come true.

Next part.... An after wedding gathering with the guest!



Q: Did you plan the whole wedding scenario all by yourself?

Baekhyun: "Ah ne. I plan it secretly for weeks. When I know he was on WGM, I know he's not reliable enough to plan a wedding alone. Honestly, it's my first time planning a wedding ceremony. And I'm afraid that it will turn out bad at first. But thank god, he seems to like it!"

Q: Did you know that Baekhyun plan this whole ceremony all by himself?

Chanyeol: "I know. When we're in our room together, Baekhyunnie will always bug me and ask me to play. In a past weeks, he's been serious with something alone. Baekhyun mostly only open up to me but while plan it he will say 'Ay it's nothing! I'll go to sleep soon! I'll be done in a moment!' And yesterday, he asked me to be the bestman of wedding out of the blue! *laughed* Anyway, Baekhyun did a great job! *thumbs up*"

Q: How did you feel after the wedding?

V: "Uhh... I was really nervous at first! I'm too young to get married in the first place! *laughed* And I haven't told my parents yet! *laughed* I want to thank all the Hyungs and Sunbaenims who spare their time from their busy schedule to come to our wedding. And Baekhyun-hyung. I really love you and thank you so much for today! Hyung Saranghae~~ *makes a heart shape from his arms on top of his head*"


Sorry it's a little too short! >.< Thanks for reading and don't forget to read my new story 8D

See yaaa~~~


BTS Got Married ~V's Edition~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora