The 'Trouble' For Daniel...

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The vehicle still seemed to be moving when I opened my eyes. My head was aching severely. After lying still for a while, I tried to take the revolver out of my socks. But unfortunately, I realized that my hands were locked behind me with a handcuff. Those two policemen must have done this when I was fast asleep. But they didn't discover the revolver inside my socks. It was still there. I could feel it! I tried to feel the diary in my left coat pocket. But as expected it was not there. My phone from the right coat pocket was also missing. From the window of the car, I could see open fields and farming lands. It looked like they took me to some areas on the outskirts of the city.

I peeked in the front seats of the car. The policemen were still there driving peacefully, unaware that I have regained consciousness. For a long time, I didn't feel so helpless. Despite owning a gun, I wasn't able to shoot it. It was beyond my reach. Two people I used to know just a few hours ago were now completely different from what I knew them to be. And I was traveling with them for the last few hours. I had no idea where I was and where I was going. It was a complete mess! 

Suddenly the car came to a halt. The two constables opened the door of the car and went outside. After some moments, I was able to hear a third man's voice. The man seems to be old. The voice was the same as described by Fisher in his encounter with the mastermind, the person hiding behind the name 'Spidey'! Although I wasn't able to hear clearly what they said, I heard one name repeatedly, which was Hudson. After their conversation ended, one of the constables came and opened the back door of the car. He looked towards me and seeing me conscious he said, " Oh nice! So you were hearing all this. Don't worry, you will not be able to tell anything to your friend. Now come out. It's time to talk with the boss."

As soon as he said that, he nearly dragged me out of the car and made me stand on the ground. Now the scene was getting clear for me. I was in the middle of a road on the outskirts. The road was surrounded by cornfields on both sides. An absolute silence had descended on the entire area. On the road, not a single vehicle could be seen except the police car in which I was traveling till now. The diary which I was meant to deliver to Fisher was in the hands of the Mastermind. I was kidnapped because of the diary only. 'Fisher guessed that this could happen that's why he made that call and warned me. Even though I had sent him the scanned copies of the diary, why did he still insist on me bringing that diary knowing that I may face danger? Also, why am I still alive? Spidey got the diary. he might have killed me till now.' I was totally confused. Spidey was a tall, stout English man. No doubt he was in his late 70s. But still, there is a glow on his face except for those two recent dark circles under his eyes. He had a decent dressing sense. Looks like he belongs to a royal or wealthy family.

"So, Mr. Daniel, let me introduce myself. I am your sincere Spidey." A wicked smile followed after he said this. "As you already know I have warned your friend multiple times to stay away from me and my case. But sadly he didn't listen. The worst part is that someone else has to pay for this mistake. You may be wondering why you are still alive. The answer is I want to kill you with my own beautiful hands. I generally don't do so but you are special. Now enough of talking. I never give anyone a chance to make their last wish. So yes! You can now start the countdown of the end of your life."

Each and every word he said struck me like a bullet. It felt like my brain froze. One of the police constables hit me hard on my shoulder to make me kneel. The aged man pulled out his revolver from his pocket while I was watching him. He aimed at me. I was totally distressed. Having no hope left, I was preparing myself to accept my upcoming death. Just one thought kept circling in my head, 'Is this the end of my story? I don't want to die like this.' Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I closed my eyes. The predictable firing sound came but what was that? For the second time in my life, it felt like a bullet almost hit me. At the same moment, I heard a shrill cry in front of me. I opened my eyes. I was still alive! The first thing I saw was Spidey screaming with pain. His right hand was bleeding badly and the revolver from his hand had fallen on the ground. He had been hit by a bullet. Still, he started running towards my right side into the cornfields. I heard him saying, "Bring that pest with me." 

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