Chapter 33 - Kings.

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It had been a few months of getting used to the lifestyle that was for sure

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It had been a few months of getting used to the lifestyle that was for sure. But Rach was viewed more and more of a stuck up by the other girls as the days went on. They moved from shitty hostel to shitty hostel all over America. Following random bands that seemed interesting.

"You don't realise what you are doing" Caroline mentioned as she watched Rach run a brush through her hair. Rach was sick of this pressure to sleep with the bands.

"I talk to them, we hang out. We drink, we smoke, we hang out" Rach said with a sigh throwing her brush down. "Why is it anyone's business on whether I sleep with them?"

"If you are taking up their time with talking and hanging out, the other girls who want to sleep with them, aren't!" Caroline said exasperated. Rach stared at herself in the mirror, she wasn't trying to hog the band by any means. If they really wanted to sleep with the groupies, they would.

"Have you ever thought that maybe these guys just want to talk sometimes?" Rach said and Caroline shook her head.

"You're a groupie, not a therapist. If you aren't gonna make an effort, you're gonna have to go back to Los Angeles. Maybe you can talk to Nikki Sixx" Caroline said waving Rach off as she walked into the other room. Rach stuck her finger up at the door Caroline had left through. She couldn't go back to the guys, they would laugh in her face. She would have failed at being on her own.

She looked in her purse and found the stuff that would make this a lot easier. Ecstasy.

She hadn't taken this since being with Nikki. They were non stop on this stuff. Maybe she could give it a go. She walked out into the middle room where all the girls were talking to Cynthia, one of the girls who had just came back from a successful tour with Poison. They were sat around like it was a campfire. Rach leant against the door frame and listened, not wanting to make her presence extremely known.

"Bret was amazing to me, he would leave me these little notes on the bed if he had to go rehearse while I was still asleep" She beamed as the other girls got excited. Rach mind wandered to Nikki, her heart felt heavy.

She didn't want little notes, nothing corny. She just wished he could love her. The way she wanted to be loved. She chewed her lip to stop herself from welling up. He was the past.


"It's good to see you dude" The blonde beamed at Nikki as they hugged. Robbin was one of Nikki's oldest friends. Someone he hadn't seen in a very long time. Back when booze and weed were the best things and cocaine and heroin weren't even their scene.

"How the fuck are you" Nikki said holding onto his friend. Robbin guided them to the seats the rest of the band were sat at. Nikki nodded at the rest of Ratt as he took a seat.  "I shoulda guessed you'd be here."

"It's the best strip club in Washington" Robbin laughed. Nikki eyed the piece of metal around Robbin's finger. He tapped it with his thumb and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, yeah. You're the cool single guy, don't rub it in"

"I think it's cool. She's a good girl" His friend chimed in with a smile. Robbin smirked and took a sip of his beer.

"Who's the minister of love?" Nikki snorted as he drank some of his own. Truth be told he always looked up to Robbin. They used to be stuck together until Ratt went their own way.

"Stephen, he's the singer" Robbin replied. "I still can't believe you're here Sixx."

As the night went on, Nikki was surprised to see Robbin take a baggy from a passerby. He knew exactly what was in it. He swallowed hard, he should be happy he had someone to get high with. But truth be told, he felt disappointed in Robbin.

"You wanna share?" Robbin asked Nikki. His mouth was watering, it had been a few months since he shots up. He was trying to do better. Be better. But there it was, on offer.

Rach couldn't understand why Caroline was going mushy over a guy called King. It was a ridiculous nickname and the band weren't that good.

"I don't think they are gonna let all of us in" One of the girls said as they stood in the cold outside the club.  "Rach should go, considering she's not even gonna fuck."

"I did not travel all this way in the freezing ass cold to not have a drink" Rach bit back. Caroline looked at her skeptically. Rach needed to fuck someone tonight or she was out. She knew that much.

"Rach, Denise, Holly, Lola" Caroline said to a chorus of groaning. Rach ignored the murmurs from the other girls who couldn't get in. They passed the bouncer with a smile and headed in.

"So I'm fucking some guy called King?" Rach asked letting a worker take her coat. Caroline shook her head with a grin.

"King is all mine. He's a regular" Caroline smirked and patted Rach down. "You have a whole band to choose from. Just let go and have a good time."

Rach nodded as they all dispersed. She couldn't do it sober, there was no chance. She headed to the bar and ordered a few shots for herself and her usual boyfriend Jack Daniels. She did the shots and grimaced to herself. She eyed the pill in her purse and sighed. She took it quickly and chased it with her drink. At least she knew she was gonna want to be fucked tonight.

Nikki watched as Robbin grinned at the woman walking over to him. He finished his drink and scooted closer to Nikki, making room for the girl on his left.

"It has been so long darlin" Robbin smiled as she sat down by him. He put an arm around her and kissed her hard. Nikki snorted, marriages were a sham. He eyed the girl, she did look familiar. Her eyes caught his and she looked slightly taken aback for a moment.

"I know he's scary to look at " Robbin snorted as she moved away slightly. "I will protect you."

"Yeah cause I'm a big bad monster" Nikki chuckled to himself.

"I need to go find my friend" She said standing up moving away from Robbin's embrace. "I need to warn her."

"Warn her?" Robbin snorted. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Caroline!" Rach called through the crowd. She couldn't find the damn band from earlier. She needed to make sure she was at least gonna sleep with someone relevant.

Nikki's ears perked up at the sound as Caroline stared at him. He did recognise her, and she sure as hell seemed to recognise him. He heard the voice again and pieced it together.

"No, Nikki..." Caroline pleased as Nikki got up from the table and pushed his way through the crowd.

"She was doing fine..."

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