Chapter 29 - Sex and Gunns.

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"Look Tommy I'm just doing what I need to do

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"Look Tommy I'm just doing what I need to do."

Tommy watched as Rach inhaled the line of powder up her nose. He couldn't say anything, not really. As much as he wanted to. This was turning from occasional party drug to a dependency to get through the day. He knew why, it was Nikki. Nikki would only spend time with her if she was high. If she was sober, he didn't care to know her.

It was shit.

"Extreme are the shit." Rach grinned as she danced around the bar they were in. Tommy watched the guys in the corner of the bar. Slime balls eyeing her every move. Nikki had stayed behind at the venue after the show and sent Rach on her way. Tommy watched as one of the guys moved from the corner and stood by him. Black hair, eyeliner, leather jacket. Just staring at Rach.

"Hey Tommy Lee, she with you?" The guy asked Tommy as they both watched her. Tommy took a swig of his beer and nodded. He shouldn't interfere. But he was giving him a bad feeling.

"Yeah she's my girlfriend" Tommy lied. He set his beer on the bar and approached Rach, putting his arms around her. She smiled up at him and looped her arms around his neck. He was horribly sober and she was very drunk and high. "Shall we go back to the bus?"

"You wanna go?" She asked and he nodded, he could feel eyes on him. "Okay T Bone, show me the way."

Tommy found it difficult walking her back to the bus as she wobbled along the path. She chuckled as she held onto him.

"Tommy, am I being used?" She suddenly asked with a sniff. "Nikki don't love me no more."

"He does, he's just an addict. You know this" Tommy assured as he kissed the side of her head. "He's lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have you as my best friend" She grinned as she climbed onto the bus. Immediately he knew something was wrong. He could hear noises. But she was too drunk to catch on.

"Rach shall we go get a cheeseburger?" Tommy asked wincing as she walked towards the back. He followed her quickly. She frowned as she could hear the moans. Pulling back the curtain to the bunk beds, she watched as Nikki fucked a blonde, her hands spread against the beds as she moaned his name.

"Nikki?" She swallowed as he looked at her. There was no remorse as he thrusted in her one last time. Tommy shook his head as Rach ran off the bus.

"This is embarrassing" The blonde mentioned as she grabbed some covers and pulled them round her. "I'm Nicole."

"Outside, now" Tommy growled pushing Nikki down the corridor as he tied his trousers together. Nikki protested as Tommy kept pushing him.

"Tommy what the fuck?" Nikki argued as he got outside. He watched as Tommy looked around to see if there were any bystanders. "What?"

Tommy swung at Nikki, socking him straight in the jaw. Nikki yelped as he fell against the side of the bus. Tommy gave him a swift kick to the dick as he writhed around on the floor. Nikki coughed as he rolled around winded.

"I am done being your friend. Fuck you Nikki" Tommy spat next to him before looking around to see which way Rach took off.


Rach wandered around past the clubs dotted around. They weren't that far from Los Angeles, she was lucky that she had so many bars to choose from. She looked at the crowd formed outside one of the clubs and shrugged, heading in.

It was pretty busy, there was a band on that she hadn't heard of before. She didn't care. She was done with band members and their egos. She was done with Nikki Sixx once and for all. She just needed to get her stuff off that bus.

"Vodka" She said to the guy behind the bar. He handed her the drink as she faced the stage. The band finished and the stagehands changed the set over. She watched as the band came out on the stage, she was pretty sure she had seen them in the previous club. All of them with shaggy black hair. She felt her mind betraying her previous statement as the guitarist caught her eye.

"We are LA Guns!" The singer announced as they started playing.

"Who are these guys?" Rach asked the person next to her, watching as they played.

"They are new, everyone's a glam band now" The person yelled back. Rach found herself pushing more and more through the crowd until she was at the front. They were all pretty hot, but the guitarist was so good. He shot her a smile as he knelt down by her, playing a solo. After he finished he threw his guitar pick at her and carried on playing. She looked at the pick in her hand.

Tracii Guns


Tommy looked high and low for Rach but he couldn't find her anywhere. With a sigh he headed back to the bus. He came face to face with Doc who looked very pissed off.

"We've had to send Nikki to the hospital. We think you've broken his jaw." Doc growled and Tommy shrugged "Look I know he's being an asshole, but we need him."

"Whatever man, I don't care. After this tour I'm done" Tommy said pushing past him. He climbed onto his bunk and sighed. He hoped Rach was okay.

"You're too pretty to be a groupie. Only groupies line up front row." Tracii mentioned as he sat at the now empty bar with Rach.

"Really?" Rach laughed. "If I had known that I would have stood in the fourth row. Sorry to say I'm no groupie."

She blushed as he looked at her with a small smile. He downed the rest of his drink and took her hand.

"I'm glad. I don't want to fuck you." He mentioned giving her hand a little squeeze. "Well I do but I don't.."

"Good" She said picking up his empty glass and putting it back in his hand. She clinked the glass against his with a grin. "I'm glad we are on the same page."

He told her how they were just starting out as a band and all the attention they were getting. He mentioned they were just trying to sell copies of their EP.

"Where are you guys tomorrow?" She asked as she ran her finger around the rim of the glass.

"We are going to Anaheim, it's a big deal for us. We are supporting-"

"Motley Crue" She laughed bitterly as she closed her eyes and hung her head. "They are crazy."

"You sure you aren't a groupie?" He asked and she snorted.

"No, Tommy Lee is my best friend." She mumbled as she looked at the clock. "Guess I will see you tomorrow Tracii."

He watched as she pulled on her jacket and walked towards the door. He grabbed his own jacket and trailed after her.

"Rachel, wait. Wait!" He called as he caught up with her. She looked at him as he matched her strides next to her. "I'm not letting you walk back on your own."

"Why?" She asked confused with a blush. He shrugged as he pulled out a cigarette and offered her one. She took it and stilled as he lit them both up.

"Because I'm a gentleman" He said with a smile as he exhaled the smoke. "I'm sure you can hold your own but..I wanted to be sure."

"That's nice of you" She said with a smile as they continued on. She was damn sure Nikki wouldn't do the same. Prick.

As they approached the bus she heard him chuckle to himself. The lights were dark, she was sure everyone was probably asleep.

"What?" She asked with a smile.

"This is the kinda bus you get when you make it big" He grinned as he ran his hand alongside the exterior. "All I can say is wow."

"You need a big bus when you have a big ego" She said stopping by the open door of the bus. He shoved his hand in his pockets with a smile. She tiptoed and kissed his cheek.

"I'll see you around Tracii"

He watched as she climbed up the steps. He swallowed hard and nodded before walking back the way they came.

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