Chapter 02 - Smiley Faces.

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I've been having writing withdrawals

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I've been having writing withdrawals..

"Rach, don't you think I look fuckin cool?" Tommy said putting his face right in hers. She looked at the bright red lipstick, the stripe on his face. She ran her fingers over it, almost in a daze.

"It looks cool Tommy" She said with a smile. Vince sat down and patted her leg as she sat on the arm of the couch. Tommy was bouncing around, Nikki was fluffing his hair and Mick sat in the corner.

Rach loved music, sure. But she wasn't gifted to play it. She didn't know a lot, she didn't have access to the radio or many records. So she listened to the cover's that other bands would play. But Nikki had shown her his whole collection. He would spend every evening, showing her a new record he had lifted from the store down the road. He was so shy, yet there were times that he looked almost..Deadly. He gave out such a cocky attitude when everyone else was around. But when it was just the two of them, he clammed up.

"You aren't gonna deal out there are you?" Tommy asked worried.

"She's all grown Tommy. Plus we all need food, booze. She's helping us" Vince mentioned. Tommy shut his mouth and looked at Rach like a told off puppy. Vince had moved in with the guys, which meant she had too. On a filthy mattress in the corner of the living room. Vince never slept with her, he was always out all night. Probably finding a girl with a good bed to sleep in.

But he would sure spend Rach's money.

"I've already sold my stash today" You said patting Tommy's cheek. "I'm gonna get to the front. Enjoy your first show."

"See ya" Nikki said giving her a small wave as she left the room. He watched as Vince stretched in his white pants.

"There's a girl out there who brought me these earlier. 800 dollars baby." Vince said with a grin. Tommy scowled as he watched Vince flaunt about this girl he was sleeping with, she was rich and was buying him everything.

"Why don't you get her to pay the rent instead of letting your girlfriend sell drugs?" Nikki asked as he looked at Vince in the mirror. He thought Vince was gonna get angry for a moment and he was ready. But Vince shrugged as he started playing with his hair.

"You guys perform well, maybe you'll find yourselves a rich babe too" He laughed hitting Nikki on the back. The stagehand called them and they headed out to play their first show.

Rachel stood with a drink and waved Lita over as she walked in. They may as well have been sisters, they dressed alike. Lita had blonde hair, Rachel had brown. Lita was taller but they both gave off sex appeal in their leathers.

"Tommy, Tommy boy" Lita sang as Rach handed her a drink. "His new band decent?"

"They are fucking great" Rach smiled as she leant against the bar. She fished some money out her pocket and handed it to Lita.

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