Chapter 20 - Tomorrow.

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His comedown was not pleasant

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His comedown was not pleasant.
He sat there for a while, wondering if he really needed Heroin. He could feel okay without it. He had weaned himself off it a lot that he wasn't so dependent. He just didn't want Rach to look at him like that again. With disgust.

"Tommy, I need to have some fun" Rach moaned as she leant her head on his shoulder. He really did love her, but he also loved sex and women. He knew she wouldn't care, he knew she was head over heels with Sixx.

"I can't help you, I'm dating Kelly" Tommy shrugged.
Rach did not like Kelly. She was a gum popping loud mouth Jersey girl who looked at her like she was a piece of shit. But Tommy was momentarily head over heels for her. Rach gave it a week.

"Not like that Tommy" She said ruffling her hair.
She stood up and looked out the hotel window, she tapped on the glass to the sight of Caesars Palace from a far. "This kind of fun."

"The Vegas strip?" Tommy grinned as he stood behind her. The lights illuminating against the night sky. "I'm totally there."

"Rach, I love you and maybe I was wrong about us not trying" Nikki rehearsed as he paced the room. He heard his hotel room door open and he was there, ready and nervous.

"Dude, we're going to see actual Vegas, wanna come?" Tommy asked as Mick stood to the side of him, smoking.

"Is Rach going?" Nikki asked and Tommy's smirk faltered.

"C'mon man, leave her be. You don't like her that way, remember?" Tommy said patting him on the arm. Nikki initially thought about not going, there was no point if Rach was in the hotel. But the look on Tommy's face made him second guess where he was being genuine.

"Sure, I'll go with you" Nikki shrugged.

Rach played on the slots, she gave herself a limit on how much she would spend. This was not the time to get addicted to gambling. She ignored the bustle of everyone having a good time around her, she needed a distraction from everything. That was until she heard Tommy's loud mouth the other side of the room. She asked him to come out and he decided to bring Nikki. Once she heard, she headed out without him.

"So is it all just machines or is there a bar?" Rach asked the woman next to her. The woman pointed to the far room. Rach excused herself and headed straight there.

Nikki didn't care about Tommy hitting him on the arm, pointing at the chicks and the machines. He was tired of hearing "Whoa dude look at this". He needed to find Rach.

He walked up and down every aisle of slot machines and card tables. He found the sign for the bar and headed there. Rach didn't do coke much, she didn't like hard drugs. She didn't like drugs that made her feel cocky and overly confident.

But when she was offered a line by a woman she met at the bar, she couldn't care less. It hit her pretty hard after a couple of drinks. She was talking to everyone, absolutely anyone who would listen to her.

"Aerosmith is everywhere huh?" Rach said to a woman dancing on a strip pole inside the bar. The woman ignored her and Rach shrugged as she drank more.

Nikki spotted her talking to the stripper, so nonchalant to the woman trying to do her job. To him staring from afar. He enjoyed doing that sometimes, just, watching.

Rach rubbed her jaw as she looked around. She was alert as her eyes looked around the room. She spotted Nikki and sucked in a breath as she walked over to him. This needed to be done, whatever it was between them. She didn't like how quickly he could turn his feelings on and off.

"Nikki.." She began as she reached him but he didn't want to hear it. He took her hands and wrapped them around the back of his neck. He pulled her close, leaning down brushing his nose against her own.

"There's something here Rach" He muttered almost too quietly, the words would have been lost in the music of Rachel wasn't so attentive to his lips.

"Nikki Sixx?" A voice broke their trance, making Rach jump. Nikki looked at the barman who called him, holding out his phone. Nikki scowled and headed over anyway.

Rach stood there, suddenly feeling very cold from the loss of contact. She shuffled her feet and played with her hands. She didn't like being this wired.

"I don't want you here, don't come here" Her ears pricked as she heard Nikki's ranting down the phone. She knew it was Vanity. She knew Vanity was coming. And if she did, Nikki would be lost to her again.

"I love you" Rach mumbled quietly to herself. She left the bar and headed back into the casino.

Nikki threw the handset back to the barman. He turned to see Rach had gone. Why would she stick around? She knew him, she knew he would choose Vanity and the drugs over her. He was weak. He growled and kicked over a stool before walking out. He could find her and try and fight the addiction. Or he could shoot up and deal with this tomorrow.

He chose the latter.

Tommy was pretty drunk, really drunk. He wandered down the corridor, feeling the walls as he went. Trying to steady himself, he leant against his hotel room door as he fumbled with the key. He opened it with a groan, almost stumbling into the room. He turned the light on and frowned when he saw Rach sat on his bed, completely naked, looking at him helplessly.

"Make me feel good Tommy?" She asked in the sweetest most innocent voice he had heard. He threw his keys to the side and just nodded. Pulling his clothes off, he crawled on top of her.

"I'll make you feel good Rach, I promise" He murmured as he kissed her gently. Even in his drunk state of mind, he knew Nikki had fucked up somehow. That's why she was here, desperate for him.

He was not prepared to turn this girl away. The girlfriend would just have to wait until tomorrow.

After all, Rach came first.

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