Cruel Cheater

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As Catty rushed out of the Ptolemy Hotel with Roy on her side she realised what she has done.
They got into a taxi and they started to travel to the airport.

During the road, Catty stayed in quiet and watched the traffic.

"It's truly an amazing end of the week!" smiled Roy. "No more Pharaoh-Bo-Bo of yours. Isn't that fantastic?"

"At least, he is okay now. He...he is strong...he isn't the type to break down crying. And now you can leave me alone, too." said Catty.
However, Roy started to laughting.

"You're so dumb. Really. You're parents will be amazed when they'll hear that you and mummy boy had broken up. And you know, I am the one who is here for you to hang out after that cruel break up of yours. Mainly because you cheated on him with me and nobody wants to hang out with a cheater."

"You got you wanted. Everything!" looked at him Catty. She thought back the night when he raped her.

"Not everything...yet. Now that you're a single cheater, we can start our relationship. Your parents will be so satisfield."

"No way, I'm gonna do that." she shook her head "You said, that you won't do anything to me after I broke up with Pharaoh."

"I have changed my mind." he grabbed her hand aggressively "And if you tell anybody what has happened, nobody will belive you."

Catty started to crying but he continued.

"You slept with me, then broke up with mummy boy, and started to date with me. Who would belive your little stupid "rape fairy-tale"? Let me remind you that you have no proof." he laughted as he squeezed her hands even more "You'll get used to it, you little bee. And don't even try to act like you're a victim or something... That mummy boy was bad for you, you know that. Moreover, you should thank me for my effort. And be happy, for God's sake!  Or your parents would think that you aren't happy with me. "

After arriving home, Catty and Roy greeted Catty's parents and Roy's mother. Roy told them that the young werecats are a couple now. After Roy and his mother left, Mr. Noir asked Catty to sit down to talk.

"What about Pharaoh?" asked Mr. Noir "Does he know that? When did you and him break up?" he looked at his daughter. "Why moving on so fast? I-I mean I'm fine with you and Roy... were so happy with the mummy boy..."

"I broke up with Pharaoh today..." she looked empty eventhough in the inside she was broken "I'm with Roy now. We are close since we go to the same school and we live near each other..I know him for a while now. We are meant to be." she smiled although it was a fake one.

"How did Pharaoh handle the break up?"

"He was upset...Understandable...But he will survive" she tried to act like she doesn't care with a diva attitude "He is a great guy so he -"

"He did a lot of things for you. Several actually." Catty was interrupted by her father. He didn't fancy when she gave diva attitude

"So did I, Dad..So did I. He can't complain. I made him a someone in the music industry. But he ruined our relationship. That's why I'm with Roy."

She lied. She tried to make her father belive that it was Pharaoh's fault..She'd never felt so disgusted about herself. But she couldn't tell the truth that she Roy forced himself on her..

Mr. Noir looked down.

"If that's the case... I hope you and Roy will be happy.." he was disappointed. "You should bring him to the next concert on Monday. Just don't make him and Pharaoh meet." then he walked away.

Catty suddenly felt afraid..more then the usual. Roy was her boofriend. She was his ghoulfriend. And Pharaoh was only her...colleague? Her... producer? Her... partner in performances?
And he knew nothing. In his eyes she was a cheater.

'And what about Stonphia and Bo? Do they know already? They will be there on Monday, that's for sure. We invited them to watch us in the VIP section.' then she continued thinking 'They are my chance to tell the truth. They are my friends, too..right? I hope so...'

As she went into her bedroom, she heard her phone ringing. It was her friends from Monter High: Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen and Cleo with Deuce.

"Hi, Ghouls and Deuce!" she smiled widely while struggeling with her tears. (During her years in the industry she has learnt how to do a believable fake smile even when she was about to cry.) "How are you ghouls doing?"

"Na-ah, Ghoulfriend. No us, until ya don't explain yourself!" started Clawdeen.

"Explain what?" Catty still smiled.

"Like you don't know what you have done.." said Draculaura with shady gaze.

"Catty..Why? Why did you cheat on Seth?" asked Frankie "You were so happy from the first day you've met."

"And with Roy? Are ya crazy, Ghoulfriend?" continued Clawdeen.

"Ghouls, I'm sure Catty will explain if you let her talk." said Cleo "So? Care to explain yourself?" she raised her one of eyebrows.

"I..I.." Catty struggled with the words again. Eventhough, she was friends with them, she didn't trusted them as much as she wanted. She didn't felt confident to tell them her secret, the truth. Since, she couldn't think of anything better, she picked up her diva attitude once again. (it was her last defense that she also learnt in the industry- that's why there was rumors her being a diva)  "I'm suprised, that you know this information. May I ask, how on Earth do you know that?" she played angry.

"Well, Roy tells all the footballers online in a groupchat, that he made you break up with your last boo." said Deuce "He doesn't tell who is the guy you used to be date with, though."

"I see. Well, as you can see, I'm happy... or at least I was until you ghouls poked your nose into MY relationship."

"Woow, Ghoulfriend, that was harsh. But fine, be happy with your new Boo. We won't bother you anymore." said Clawdeen then hung up.

"I completly agree with Clawdeen." said Draculaura then hung up too.

"I'm sorry Catty... But that's not you." started Frankie.

"Oh, so you know me now?" spoke back Diva-Catty. For that Frankie frowned and said with sarcasm:

"Now I can see, it was worth it to give your voice back during the Boo York trip." and she hung up. After Cleo with Deuce did the same without any words.

That night, Catty cried quietly for hours and hours. She was scared, traumatized and left all alone...

'Is there any light  left for me?'

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