Stonphia's story

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As they walked down the street they stayed quite for few minutes. Than Bo looked at Catty who held Pharaoh's hand.

"You hate her, don't you?"he asked. Catty looked at his eyes, than she nodded. " And can you forgive her if you get know her past?"

"It's depends on how she changed because of her past" said the werecat and she looked away.

"Gosh! Bo just tell her..." said Pharaoh without even looking at them.

"Okay. Then I start from the beginning." Bo took a big breath then started " Pharaoh and I know Stonphy from childhood. Pharaoh was just 5511 years old, Stonphia 3209 and I was 10. At that time she was the dearest girl who we knew. She was always smiling and dreaming all day long. She was a people monster. After school I always went her to that street where we were before and meet Pharaoh and hanged 'till 7pm. This was our life. But when she was 3414 years old everything changed. It was a Friday. It rained all day. We waited for Stonphy under an eaves. When she finally appered she look at us from far then she fell on her knees just there. Pharaoh started than I immediately grabbed he's arm and ruined to her. We sat down and hugged her. She cried the way we have never heard her." he stopped for a minute than continued " She told everything that she didn't wanted to tell us. On that day her parents divorced because her father cheated on her mum and he left the house with that woman. Then if this wasn't enough her older brother shouted her head off without any reason. She told us that her brother always hurt her with bad words. She just -"

"Cried and cried for hours..." said Pharaoh. "She promised us next day that she will never be like yesterday. We thought we continue what we did, you know just have fun. But... she just painted quietly. Bo asked if she wanted to talk about what happend but she yelled at him and left."

"After that day she acted like that. But she can be kind." said Bo.

"Yeah... with us. I mean with Bo and me. But if someone get close to one of us, close enough to hurt his feelings than she will be...mean."

"But we are still friends because we tell anything to others" smiled Bo.

Pharaoh felt nervous. Catty knew that he's keeping a big secret from his friends.

"I feel sorry for now..." she looked at Bo. " If I knew that I would-"

"That's okay, my dear." the mummy hugged her tightly. "Bo, we should go now. See ya later at 7pm at the Pizza of Scream!"

"See you guys later!" he smiled nicely than he went away.

Pharaoh and Catty just walked home clamly and talking. Catty already felt different because that conservation.

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