At Catty's house

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"Cool, my mother allowed me! She said that I should bring my formal clothes to make a good impression for your parents."

"So are you gonna bring your mask there, too? Because I won't introduce you to my parents if you aren't wearing that!" laughed Catty so hard. He softly threw a T-shirt at her.

"You know it's not funny!" said Pharaoh, but the mummy also laughed at her comment.

After a quick breakfast they packed their stuff in their suitcase. The werecat was still afraid of this action.

"So are you sure? You don't want to change your mind?" she asked.

"No, no,no! Not at all! Look, if you want I will leave in minutes. But I really want to know your parents.."

"Okay, then... " she smiled.

After the lunch, they left the Ptolemy Hotel and got on the plain.

An hour later they arrived at Catty's house.

"Sooo...Here we are!" looked Catty at Pharaoh.

Pharaoh was a bit nervous. He looked at her with a small smile. Than Catty opened the door while looking at her phone. She smile at him with relieved eyes.

"They went shopping. I'm soo happy! That means we have a bit free time, so come in!" she grined.

They went inside the big house. Catty showed him her room. Pharaoh was pretty impressed. The room was nothing like his room.

"You like it?" Catty asked.

"Yeah! Your room is so tidy and clean and everything!  Could you teach me how to do that?" he laugh.

"Thanks" she giggled. They sat down on the bed. Pharaoh was still looking around in the room, he didn't even want to deny it.

"Do you have an album collection?" he asked. Catty giggled then she noded. She got up and went to a cupboard and opened it. The shelves was full of albums.

"Could you come here?" she asked Pharaoh. He got up and went next to her. He was more amazed then before. Her collection was three times bigger then his.

"Wooow" he said. He took a closer step to the collection then he looked at the down part of the cupboard. "Are these...awards?" he asked

"Oh, yes, they are...And also fan letters, aaand my microfon, a synthesizer and a smaller piano"

"...and I was pround of my collection... I really can't top that..." Pharaoh looked at her then hugged her then they started kissing...

After a few minutes they heard that the front door was opened. Catty face frozened as she heard her parents talking. She looked at Pharaoh who was laying next to her.

"...I don't believe  Roy. I mean that kid is really weird. Catty is not stupid, and you should really trust her. After 2 years she's gonna be an adult! But you know she's already mature minded!"started Catty's father.

"Yeah, but we don't know that guy! He could be much older than her! Or just using her!" said sadly Catty's mom. At that time Pharaoh also opened his eyes with terrified feelings. "You know how boys think about the teeenager GIRL pop-stars! What if this boy is also like tha-"

"As I said, you should trust your own daughter!" said Mr. Noir with a little anger now. "You know, if she gonna introduce him to us, he's gonna be more scared. Because he must be a kid like Catty, maybe a bit older than her. They're just children who think they're know what is love! "

"I think I like your dad..." whispered Pharaoh with a little smile.

"I'm gonna go out to greet them. Theeen, I'll try to tell them that you're here and I want you to introduce them. Then you gonna have a few minutes to put some shirt on and trousers, too. I also put some clothes on..." whispered back Catty, then went to the wardrobe to put a white dress on. Pharaoh watched her from the bed. "Wish me unluck!" said Catty with a nervous smile.

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