Chapter 2: The SG

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Grant's POV
I step into the office, the smell of office supplies awaiting me. The secretary gives me a thin lipped smile and points to the principal's office. I nod and quietly walk into Mrs. Brimmingham's office. "Why hello there! Why it's one of the best School Guides here! The amazing Grant Gustin eh?" I laughed at her remark. I was indeed a school guide. I need the extra credits, even though I'm just a freshman. I started classes on SG-ing this summer. So I'm pretty much a pro. "So have a seat," she says, "we have a new student coming to the district and its your job to show her around." I nod. "My pleasure. What's his name?" Mrs. Brimmingham raises her eyebrows. "Not a him. A her. Now I know you usually aren't used to guiding girls, but it's no different. Her name is Lauryn Jacobs and she's a very sweet girl. But keep things strictly business when you're on duty. She should be waiting for you in the courtyard." I blink my eyes in shock. Usually they don't pair Male SGs with... Girls. But we don't have a lot of Female SGs. Why am I thinking so much of the topic? Out of haste I give an awkward salute goodbye to Mrs. Brimmingham. I walk outside to the courtyard. I check my watch: 7:50. Ten minutes until the bell rings. I take in a deep breath and remember to keep things strictly business. That shouldn't be to hard with my dating Lana.
I scan the campus for the girl who matches the picture I was given. I don't take too much notice on the picture, but when I see her, I know it must be her. She's sitting underneath a shady tree wearing a navy blue long-sleeved shirt and white jeans. Her wavy hair fall against her back like a waterfall. She's so gorgeous in person rather than a picture. She notices me looking her way and gives me the cutest half-smile ever and glances in the other direction. Maybe keeping things "strictly business" will be more difficult than I thought.
I finally get the courage to walk over to her. Lauryn smiles. Its completely dazzling. "Hi, I'm Lauryn." I smile back. "Yes I know. I'm your SG, or School Guide. I'm supposed to show you around school or something like that." I try to make myself sound cool and collected like I usually am but I fail. Thankfully, Lauryn doesn't notice and her smile brightens. "That's so cool! We never had those at my old school." I hear footsteps behind me. "Hey Grant. I see you've meet my neighbor." It's Lana. Lana has told me that her neighbor was so uneducated on the fashion world and that Lauryn was really clingy. From what I see she looks fine. Lana glares at Lauryn. "Why aren't you wearing the outfit I picked for you?!!" I can sense Lauryn getting tense the more Lana speaks. "Did you want all my hard work to go to waste? I finally make you pretty and you just let it all go down the drain?!!!!" Lauryn is tense and I can tell but her face is blank; you can't tell what she's thinking. I tell Lana to go away quietly. She leaves and flips her hair. I roll my eyes when Lana is far away. "I have a picture of the outfit. Want to see why I didn't wear it?" She giggles and shows me the picture on her phone. In the photo she's wear a layer-y bright rainbow neon colored shirt with leggings that have black and white splotches all over them. She has matching rainbow knee high socks and high tops. It looks like something Lana would wear, not Lauryn. I must have a disgusted look on my face because she breaks out in a fit of laughter. "What? What?" I say and give her a friendly push. "What's your first class?" I ask. "Art." I smile and say "So do I. Come on I'll show you the way. " And then we were off.

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