Chapter 6: Lunch Introductions

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Lauryn's POV

At lunch I had no where to sit. Literally. All tables had their cliques and I wasn't in them. Then to my relief, Santana, the senior in Glee Club waved me over. "Sit with us! If you dare.." she laughed at her own remark. I sat down next to a girl with short blonde hair. She had a perfect nose. I make weird observations. "I'm Lucy Quinn Fabray. But most people just call me Quinn." Quinn gave me a warm smile and a pat on the back. The table next to us were full of the guys in glee club. Devon was there as well. One by one they all introduced themselves. Rachel had long brown hair and bangs. Brittany had long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. Tina had dark black wavy hair. Sugar had red short hair that was pin straight. They were all so kind to me, except Rachel who had a little snide tone when she talked to me. "She's jealous that you sing better than her. She's the so-called best singer here." I was surprised that a Senior was jealous of me. We all finished and before I got to my locker, Grant pulls me into a corner. "What was that?" He hissed at me. "at gym?" He stares at me with ice cold eyes. I rip my arm from his tight grip. "It's called making eye contact you dummy. " He straightened his back. "You don't want to get your feelings mixed up with a guy like him." Grant then stormed away.

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