Chapter 12: Octavia

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Lauryn's POV
The forest behind my house was a nice place to be. Santana was walking with me and constantly asking if I was okay. It had been 4 days now since the accident and Quinn was still in care of a hospital.

"Tell me again what we're doing here?" I ask Santana.

"I wanna show you something," she takes my hand and pulls me through the forest, tree after tree. Then I see it. It's a huge blue orb with a purple glow. It's floating in the air, and what's inside is what shocked me the most.

Inside is a girl. She's floating but her eyes are closed. Her hair is a dark black as it seems from the outside. She has olive skin and she looks so delicate.

I reach up to touch the orb and Santana yells, "LAUYRN WAIT-"

The bubble-orb pops and the girl falls onto the ground, eyes still closed, her hair sprawled everywhere. We both see her hair is not black, but indeed blue. Her eyes open and she says in a smooth voice:

"Hello Lauryn and Santana. My name is Octavia."

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