Chapter 8: Gone.

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Santana's POV

I walk over to Lauryn's house, per she is holding a Glee Get Together (Girls only) Everyone's going except of course Rachel. She's been delusional. She thinks she's dating Devon. I think this is all just a stab at Lauryn. Lauryn's really just a sweet girl and has nothing against Rachel. Well, maybe she does now..

I'm the last one to arrive. Sugar, Tina, Quinn, and Brittany are all there. Lauryn's leaning against her kitchen corner talking to Tina and Sugar. Tina and Sugar are the sweet people of the group that fix relationships between the girls. Quinn and Brittany are chatting while chewing on popcorn. They're the spunky ones who usually fight some-what. A movie is playing in the background. Once they see me we all sit together at Lauryn's massive dining table. We start off with some small talk.
"Did you see those zebras that Mrs. Luka had on her walls of her classroom? I think that's taking Animal Study too seriously," Tina giggles.
"Does she think zebras are actually real?" Brittany asks.
We were all silent for a minute.
"They are real.." Lauryn offers
"Oh are they?" she asks unknowingly.
"God Britt you are so stupid!" Quinn laughs and jokingly rolls her eyes. Tina, Sugar and I already know where this is headed.
"What did you say?" Brittany asks angrily.
"OMG are you serious? It was a joke," Quinn is furious.
"You know what's a joke?" Brittany says daringly. "YOUR LIFE!" She yells and the room falls silent.
Quinn stands up and you can see the anger in her eyes. But you can't tell she is, she's completely calm.
"Quinn it's okay," Sugar places a hand on her back.
"No it's not... I'm going to go get some.. fresh air." Quinn walks outside.
Brittany turns toward the TV.
We all (except Brittany) made strawberry cupcakes.
An hour later, the cupcakes are done, and Quinn hasn't come in yet. Lauryn volunteers to call her in. She walks outside.

Moments later she bursts back in.
"SHES GONE" Lauryn says out of breath. "I CALLED HER PARENTS AND THEY SAID SHE WASNT AT HOME" She looks around frantically.

Quinn was gone.

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-Authors Note-
Got a few questions..

1.) what would make you want to keep reading this?

2.) where do you think Quinn went?

I have a few surprises planned for the whole Devon& Lauryn / Grant & Lauryn love triangle. Cue suspense music. ♪ ♪

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