Chapter 3: Piano Pieces

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Devon's POV
The new girl walks in and she's extremely beautiful. I can't take my eyes off her. Unlike most guys I don't shy away from people I like. Wait. That sounded weird. I meant that I actually have the courage to them. I'm about to tell her to sit next to me but then Grant walks in behind her. Luckily she sees the empty seat and sits next to me. She casually flips her hair and a strong smell of fruity lotion wafts in my direction. I quietly take in a huge breath of the scent. "Alright class, our first assignment for this month is to find something, anything, complicated or simple, and build it out of things you find. You may begin your research.... NOW!" The class breaks out in a frenzy. People grabbing laptops, others grabbing magazines and notebook paper. It was hard not to smile at Lauryn's reaction. She looked around like she was witnessing a food fight. This and a food fight are basically the same thing so. I smile at Lauryn and say, "Don't worry, things are usually like this. The Fine Arts is kind of Weston High's mojo. Here, I'll help you find something." I hold out my hand as she gratefully takes my hand and says, "thanks. I'm Lauryn, are you Devon?" I was shocked. I wasn't the most popular person but I wasn't unknown either. She laughs and says "I saw your piano video on the school website. You're really good. Like really really good." I blush at the compliment and grab a laptop for us. I already knew what I was going to do - a piano. But I didn't tell her that and let her do first.
Me: "Favorite Food?
Her: "Cupcakes."
Me: "Favorite Design?"
Her: "Polka Dots"
Me: "Favorite Variation Of Color?"
Her: "Pastel"
I type everything into the Art Search Bar and colorful images pop up. She chooses a stand holding 6 cupcakes, all with pastel polka dots. 3 on the bottom tier, 2 on the middle tier, and 1 beautifully decorated cupcake on top. To me it looks complicated hut all she says is, "Cool. Easy enough" and she snaps a picture on her iPhone. I pick out a baby grand piano and send the photo to my email. Lauryn is scribbling away on a piece of notebook paper. Who knows what she's writing? Someone taps me on the shoulder. "Can I join?" Its Grant. Of course I say yes and he sits on the other side of Lauryn. He's holding a picture of a triple layered cake. He always takes the complicated road. "How's the cupcakes coming along?" I say to Lauryn. She smiles but doesn't look up from her paper. "Great. At least I think so." she laughs and we lock eyes for the first time. I can tell Grant is watching. I break the silence. "What class do you have next?" She blinks twice. "I uh. um. G-Glee Club" she stutters out. Her green eyes look so innocent I just want to kiss her. But that's way too far. I smile and tell her I have Glee as well. "I can show you the way," I offer. Grant butts in. "Actually, I'm her school guide so I'll show her. " I raise my eyebrows and fire back. "But you have wood shop next. It's on the opposite side of the school." He gives up and stops talking altogether. At the end of class Lauryn thanks me and walks with me to Glee.

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