Chapter 9: Abusive

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Lauryn's POV

I led the group around the entire neighborhood. Once we visit her house, only her dad is home. He says he has no idea where her mom nor Quinn is. Yet he doesn't want us to call a police search... weird.

While frantically looking for her in Lighted Park, I hear a familiar voice in an alleyway. Then I hear a scream, then tears. We all rush to the alleyway but go quietly. As we all peek around the corner, I see Quinn and her mom.

"WHERE'S MY MONEY?" her mom yells while repeatedly slapping her.
"I didn't take it I swear!" Quinn's eyes are full of tears and her face is red and scratched up blood.
"Yes you did!!" Her mom takes out a dainty but sharp knife pointing it to Quinn's neck.
Quinn is hyperventilating and full out crying. She closes her eyes as if she is asking the Lord to spare her life.
"TELL ME WHERE IT IS" her mom makes a sharp but small cut just a few centimeters away from her left eye. Blood slowly gushes out. Quinn catches our eye and gives us a pleading look.
That does it. I feel my inner serial killer coming out. I burst into the alley and tackle her mom, ripping the knife away from her hand and sliding it into mine. I pin her against the wall. I have Santana hold her there.
I can't control what happens next. I eye her dominant hand and aim. The knife leaves my hand and enters hers. As soon as it does I feel mixed emotions. I regret it but she deserved it and it still didn't kill her. With my aim, I could've ended her life right there. But I chose not to. Tina calls the police and they take her away sending her to jail for abusing Quinn. She is still unstable and an ambulance takes her away. Her mom is still a few feet away from the police car but then she pulls out a second knife. She breaks away from the police's grasp and the last thing I feel is a sharp pain in my stomach. Like me, her aim is perfect. The last thing I hear is Santana screeching. The last thing I see is flashing red lights. Then I fall into unconsciousness.

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