Chapter 10: A Hope

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Devon's POV

As soon as I get the call I basically sprint to the hospital.

"What room is Lauryn Jacobs in?!!" I practically yell at the secretary.
"Oh are you her boyfriend? She's in room 12" I blush at her remark but don't hang around too long.

I carefully open her room door. There is a red blood stain on the cover. There are countless numbers of tubes connected to her. She's breathing, but very slightly. Santana is crying quietly but composes herself when I walk in. She glares and doesn't speak.

I sit next to Lauryn and Santana walks out of the room and leaves me alone with her.

I pull out the guitar I have with me and begin to strum a few notes. Then I pick a song from the back of my head and softly sing to her.

(The music he sang is in the media, press play, and make sure your ringer is on to hear his song to Lauryn)

In the middle of the song, her pulse becomes more alive.

I begin to sing louder and clearer.

At the end of the song her eyes slowly flutter awake.

"Devon...?" Her words are quietly and almost unintelligible. But I hear her loud and clear. I brush back the hair on her forehead and lightly kiss the middle of her forehead. She smiles and slowly goes back to sleep.

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