Chapter 5: Dance Class..?

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Lauryn's POV
I walk in with Devon to PE. "Now our school is very... active with the arts... in everything." I give him a strange look and right when I walk into PE Class I know what he meant. People everywhere are dressed in leotards and dance shoes. On the board are images of people dancing and swaying. Dear God. We're learning how to waltz. Grant is there but so is Lana. Everyone partners up and I see Grant trying to be my partner but Lana suspiciously partners with him and gives me a look. Devon blushes and holds out his hand. It is warm and inviting compared to my icy cold hands. He looks down at my hands and smiles. Then he places a hand on my back. I get instructed to put my hand on his shoulder. The teacher quickly and complicated-ly explains the directions. Luckily Devon happens to know what he's doing. He leads me gracefully across the gym floor. The teacher yells at me to chin up. This is the first time I've looked at him. I mean really looked. For the first time I notice how he has dark long eyelashes and freckles along his nose. I feel my brain telling me to stop but my heart saying to fall in love. Luckily I don't trust my brain. He gives me the cutest half smile and that convinces me. I've got myself my first real crush. For real this time. All of a sudden we stop. The music stopped and so did our hearts. I can feel Grant and Lana staring. But I don't care. As long as I'm with Devon, I feel fine.

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