Chapter 40

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Delilah POV

"We are here" I state like a tour guide to the annoying, yet cute couple I was escorting to my neighboring land.

In front of us stood a gigantic stone marker, Arendale carved expertly in it's side by the countries finest stone masons. A friendly welcome to all who visit the kindom.

"So the rumors are true." I say aloud as I gaze across the snow covered land.

"What rumors?!" Dakota asks suspiciously.

"You know... about the winter here."

"Winter?!?!" She looks surprised. "It's winter already?! How long have I been gone?!" She asks wide eyed.

What an odd question?

"That's the trouble. It isn't Winter... " I shake my head. "Its June."

Her eyes widen. She shares a few words with Jack. I can't hear much. I must be misunderstanding, but I could swear I heat the words. "Did I do this?"

"We still have a ways to go" "The capital is in the far south." She looked anxious as she rode in front of me, her blonde hair flying in the crisp wind, despite the braid she wore it in.

Jack rode up beside me, giving me a thankful smile as he passed. He trotted his horse to catch up with Elsa. Who was possibly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. No wonder he's smitten with her.

I sat there for a moment, staring at the stone. Would he be there? Would I see him again? Elsa was right, I had to tell him how I felt or I would spend the rest of my life hating myself..
That's if, I can find him.

I rode up In front of both of them and led the way. We rode for hours and hours. Elsa started to recognize where she was and didn't need my help as often. Jack somehow seemed completely lost. it was like the guy was from an entirely different civilization or something, quite funny actually.

The capital looked ordinary from afar but as we came closer and entered the city we noticed the horror that the war had left behind. Jack was quiet, awestruck by the damage. While Elsa looked on the verge of tears.

We rode slowly through the town center.

It was desolate, seemingly abandoned.

Shop windows smashed, and several places just completely burned down.

I herd a gasp when we passed the vandalized fountain in the center of the city. The statue of what I guessed to be the late King had been pulled down and lay in pieces on the ground. It was Elsa, A small tear slid down her cheek.

Her patriotism to her former leader was admirable.

We rode up to the castle gate and only two men stood on the walls..

I found that very strange consenting the large population of this kingdom. The two men came off the wall and walked to us. Both of them looked like they had recently fought a battle. One of the man had a nasty cut on the side of his face and the other looked badly beaten, covered in purple bruises. First the men looked over Jack, then they turned there gaze to me, then finally to Elsa

At the sight of her there jaws dropped. The man with the flesh wound on the side of his face dropped to one knee, hand on the hilt of his sword. The other man quickly followed.

"Your highness!" Exclaimed one

"Queen Elsa!" Shouts the other

Queen Elsa?


(Elsa's POV)

"We thought you to be dead!"

"No!" I shouted in panic.

I took a deep breath and regained my inner queen, just as my mother had taught me to do oh so long ago. I walked towards the men that for so very long have served me and my people. To this day are still serving us with their dying breath..

I'm honored at the loyalty.

"It is true. I was near death but this brave knight." I point to Jack. "Saved my life and returned me to my people."

"Oh, of course your majesty. we are so sorry.." The soldier with a nasty slash on his face said.

"Forgive us" said the other.

I smiled, they were so loyal and trustworthy. sometimes I wondered if I deserved such kindness.

"No need." I said before I felt Delilah cut me off. She pulled me to the side with a little more force then she intended and i yelped. My two loyal Subjects were at my side in a heart beat. Ready to forcefully remove the girl. I put up my hands and told them it was alright and that me and my guide needed a moment to talk. They nodded and walked out of earshot but still watched Delilah with a hawk eye.

"Why are those men calling you a queen?" She asked

"Because I am."

"Queen Elsa?" She asked. "THE Queen Elsa?!?" "The empowered ice queen?!?"

"That's right."

"You lied to me." She cried in anger. "How the on earth are you still alive? You died. the story's say your ice palace crushed you?!?" She asked confused.

"It did."

"Then how did you Escape?" She asked

"I didn't" I said recalling the Horrible memory.

She shook her head in confusion then looked at me as if I were the devil himself.

"Look, all will be explained in due time. But right now my priorities are to my kingdom, and my sister."

It wasn't anything else, but when I said the word sister it was if that word cut her like a knife. "Sister?" She gulps slowly.

"Yes, my little sister. Princess Anna."


Her eyes scream pain... but that fades and is masked with a new found rage.

"How could you run and hide when your people needed you the most? How could you expect to just drop back in to your kingdom and have the people that lost so much just welcome you back when you ran like a coward?"

Her words tear at my heart. I wish I could've been here. I wish I could've helped my people through this war.. But I couldn't, I was stuck in another time doing nothing but trying to get back to my own..

That's not running or hiding or being a Coward, it was just a unfortunate incident that lead me to meet the love of my life. If I was offered a chance to change it all I am not sure if I really could.

Call me selfish but I love him so much it hurts.

"I didn't run, and I didn't hide." I defend myself. "You shouldn't assume the worst in people when you don't know all the facts.. And Remember who your taking to next time you want to directly insult a queen ." I snap at her angrily.

Her eyes fell from mine and landed on the snow. I didn't mean to be so harsh on the girl but I really didn't have the time nor the Energy left in me to explain all of this now.

I walked back to the two men and watched as Jack walked to Delilah. He began talking with her, explaining everything no doubt.

"What happened here?" I asked pointing around at the remains of my kingdom. Trying hard not to look back at the rubble of my father's statue.

"The Vikings your grace. You've been gone nearly 5 fortnights. We lost many men the past few months. We reclaimed the city just this morning. If it wasn't for the princes army we would've surly lost."

"Prince? Which prince?" I asked thinking of all the neighboring kingdoms.

"Well your highness." The man hesitates. As if fearing telling me.

"Prince Hans of the Southern isles."


She's back!! Delilah had a little tamper there didn't she? All for good reason Though.. Please vote and comment your thoughts! (Mariska98)

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