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To say we didn't get in trouble was not one way to describe what mum did to us. After mike explaining everything that happened, she grounded us. Me and ken tried to protest but she added one more week to the one week we were grounded for. The triplets were grounded for only a week! Mum was glad of what we did though she didn't say those words exactly." he deserved what he got" those are the words we heard her mutter. Since ken and I were grounded, we were required to stay at mum's home the time being.

I got up so early the next morning since I had the second court hearing of Miles' custody case. I woke up the same time as the triplets and begged mum to look after Pearl today. The triplets were grounded so it means they had to use the bus today the good or walk to school. Me being the good sister I am, decided to drive them to school.

It's 8:30 when I make it to the office, because of the traffic jam from the triplets' school. I still have forty five minutes for the court hearing. I find an impatient Miles in my office who is pacing around the office.

"You are thirty minutes late." He says in a monotone.

"Good morning too," I sarcastically say as I start taking important files I will need for the case later on. "There was a traffic jam"

"Where you live isn't that crowded and I have never seen traffic jam on that area before."

"I was at mum's and I had to drop the triplets off." He nods as he walks to where I am and hugs me from behind.

"Good morning?" he whispers as he kisses my neck making me shudder.

"MY INNOCENT VIRGIN EYES!" a voice I recognize as ken's shouts. "You forgot your phone, and I'm late I should be running. Good luck on today." She says and hurries out as fast as she came. Seeing the time, we make way to the court house which is across the streets from my office buildings.

Isaac and Annie are already there. Annie smirks at us as she looks at the judge's chamber. The court starts a while later and in walk judge syphilis, that's what most lawyers and prosecutors call him. Well his real name is George Bower but with his behavior, where he sleeps with anything with a vagina, hence his name. With the smirk Annie portrayed and knowing the judge that long I know he already had his way with her. During the hearing, I notice that the judge is eyeing Annie from time to time. When Annie is called to the stand she becomes the dramatic bitch she always is.

"I don't hate my children I love them so much. I didn't just pack and leave because of hate; I just wanted them to have tine with their dad. Miles has always had business trips and at times gone for over a month. Those times I always had to look after the kids by myself. So was it bad that I wanted the kids to have time with their dad alone for once? When Dannie was born, after two weeks, Miles had a three weeks business trip. We all know how newborns can be, I begged him to stay but he said it was important. The same happened with Elli, I always had to struggle with both of them, at times breastfeeding Elli while I was working or cooking or getting Dannie ready. Who could blame me for doing such a motherly act of wanting my kids to spend time with their dad and wanting what is best for my kids? And now their father here wants to take them away from me." If I had not known Annie I would have believed her. Everyone in the room has a different expression. Most have an an understanding one. Miles is furious beside me and Isaac is smirking at us. The jury have mixed reactions while Annie is busy fake crying. What she said beats what Miles said. After the judge left, Miles storms out of the court room. Annie and Isaac walk to me while smiling. At the moment I feel like smashing their heads together. I fakely, sweetly smile back at them.

"You did well Annie" I say

"I know, I enjoyed seeing the reaction of everyone after my speech." This lady is testing my patience at the moment.

"Yeah in fact Miles' was so cool."

"Excuse me I have to go and do my work," I sweetly smile at them " enjoy the victory while it lasts." I say and walk out not waiting for their response.

I find Miles in my office pacing around as before. His expression is what breaks my heart. He is sad, terrified and looks as if he has lost all the hope. I walk to him and hug him. He hesitates for a while before responding. A moment later I feel wet droplets on my hair. Miles is crying! He says how he is going to lose the kids to Annie because she is already winning. We have about two more hearings before its decided. Miles needs to have the custody of the kids.

Twenty minutes later, Miles is calm enough and he takes a seat in the office coach and pulls me down on him. I make myself comfortable so that I can look him in the face.

"I will miss them."

" Oooh no no no. enough of that, you will not miss anyone because you will have them."

"But she is already winning and she already slept with the judge."

"Yeah and so? Don't you know why I'm the best lawyer in town? And also the judge doesn't have a say, the jury does have to decide. So stop worrying about judge syphilis." He smiles and that makes me a bit happy.

" Miles I won't let her win. I won't let her have the babies. She doesn't deserve them. You do, and I also can't stand another victory from that witch." He smiles and pulls me for a kiss. " This doesn't mean you won't pay me, I still want to be paid." He groans and kisses me again. We make out for a while before we are interrupted.

"HOLY BAGAMBA!" there at the door is Dannie and Pearl looking at us then at each other. Our sons look at us again then between themselves then again shout "HOLY BAGAMBA!" And hi five each other and run out of my office.

"What just happened?"

Miss PerfectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora