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"Momma wake up"

"Just let me sleep P!" I groan as I pull my blanket over my head.

"But mom we need to go to grandma's place it's her birthday!"

"Pearl stop shouting before I accidentally smash your head on the ground!" I shout. He stays quiet for a moment before I hear his footsteps fade away.

The next time am woken up, is not by Pearl but by fucking sirens. I jump out of my bed and run looking for Pearl only to find him talking to an officer.

"What is going on here?"

"Is she the one!!" the officer asks Pearl and he nods his head.

"This child here called us about ten minutes ago saying that he was kidnapped and you threatened to kill him today after wanting you to take him to his parents. Is it true Miss?"

"She will obviously deny that, can you please take me back to my parents' home before this horrible woman kills me." He says dramatically. My son can act. The officer signals the other one to take Pearl at the address he was given. Ten minutes later the officer leaves my house laughing his ass off after knowing Pearl is my son. That boy is going to get it later on. A moment later mom calls me.

"Happy birthday mum, you are getting old." I say before she even speaks.

"Thank you honey. Can you explain what you did to my grandson for him to call the cops on you?"

"I refused to get up and told him I might 'accidentally' kill him"

Mum laughs on the other side "I remember when you and your siblings did that to me all the time until the police always cut the call once they realized you were calling."

"Well you always deserved that mom, also the time you were in jail for three hours for whooping my ass!"

"Your son takes after you honey. When are you getting here? It's my birthday and I wanna see my favorite daughter."

"I thought I was!" two voices shouted.

"You are not Amanda is."

"Awww thanks mom, you are also my favorite mom."

"Dumbass I'm your only mother. Now what time!" I know she is face palming at the moment.

"I think about one."

"Okay and don't bring me another designer bag or watch or shoes or clothes as a present. Bye"

Well that's my mom for you. At the moment I know she has told everyone what to not bring for her as a birthday present.

Five minutes past one am already at mom's house together with Miles and the kids. Since I took over Miles case, he and mom have become best friends. I don't know how it happened but here they are.

"Amanda have you not seen me yet?"

"Uncle Dean!" i shout and tackle him. He is mom's second last born brother, he is the best and is just thirty three years old. He is currently engaged to a lady none of us like. Tiffany, that girl is the definition of bitch. She and Annie happen to be best friends. Most of mom's siblings are around well five of them out of nine. Granma and grandpa are also present. One good thing about our family is that we value birthdays as much as any other holiday. My brother was supposed to be here hours ago , while Andrea just arrived with her family. Antony's wife Hilda and their daughter arrive with Andrea.

All the kids in the family are all in the kitchen eating the cookies mom made. More than thirty children are present. Tony, Dean, Miles and Daniel; Andréa's hubby are all talking and laughing at one side of the house. Phil is talking to my grandparents and mom's brother Jose, mum and her sisters and some of her friends are all gossiping in the dining area well except ken who is next to me. Kenna, Andrea, Kenzie, Mike, Eric, Hilda and Michelle one of my cousins are sat on the floor. Most of the other people invited are outside.

"Who is that hunky talking to Tony?"Michelle asks

"Which one?" Kenna asks

"The two of them not uncle Dean"

"Well the one looking over here is Ken's crush/enemy." Kenzie answers

"Arnold is not my crush." she says

"And the other one is Annie's baby daddy" mike answers.

"Also Amanda's boyfriend." Eric adds

"He is not my boyfriend."

"Are you sure, I have caught you guys making out more than five times."

"So, he is a good kisser you can't resist such." I say with a shrug.

"Can I test for confirmation?"

"Mish don't you dare!" I say louder than I intended earning looks from around the room. They all look at me and smirk at me and continue talking about everything. Well until Cynthia interrupted us.

"Aunt Amie Ellie is crying" she says handing me Ellie.

"Why could you have taken her to her daddy?" mish asks.

"Pearl told me to bring him here."

"Ookay go on and play." She nods and runs towards the other kids. "My niece is so adorable" mish states. "Lover boy is coming." She whispers.

He says hi to everyone and kneels beside me.

"She shouldn't bother you, let me take her."

"Ooh no, she is no bother, go have fun with the guys and please take this two with you." Mike and Eric get up and leave while Miles is still looking at me. Not even noticing the girls are staring at us.

"Are you sure?" I nod and he hands me her bag. "Thanks so much" he whispers and pecks Ellie who is silent now and also pecks me on my cheek and walks away seeing that I'm blushing.

"Not your boyfriend my ass." Andrea says and ladies and gentlemen that's how I was handed my ass over for the past forty minutes.

We got to eat cake that was made by Aunt Ari for her sister's birthday. We ate like there was no tomorrow. At midnight, most people were gone leaving less than twenty people. Mum had tons of gifts from everyone. Where most of it was designer bags and clothing. Tony being the mama's boy he is got her a new car as her present. This day couldn't get any better when the rooms present couldn't occupy everyone hence we had to share. Each of my siblings had a room of their own with their partners, while ken shared a room with kenzie and Kenna, Dean, Arnold Eric and Mike shared Mike's room. All the kids except Ellie were all piled in Pearl's room. Ellie slept in my room along with her dad. She slept in Pearl's former bed which was in my room.

I was wrong when I said the night couldn't get any better, it could.

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