Six 💫

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The day is normal as always , Eric is being his usual annoying self and I’m already done with today’s work load at two pm. I mentally give myself a pat in the back as I smile widely.  Being hungry is one of the side effects of working eight hours nonstop. I stand taking my phone and make way towards Eric’s office.

“Let’s go for lunch. “I say once in his office startling a very concentrated Eric.

“I’m busy “he says as he continues typing.

“I am the boss come on I won’t fire you “I beg

“Still nope “he states not even looking at me

“I will pay “I say the magic words making him shut off his laptop and smile at me.

“Let’s go!” he happily says. Making me groan, man this guy will make me broke.

“Tell me what is happening in your life lately, since it’s so long since we caught up.” I say as we begin having our lunch.

“Well, I met someone,,,,”I shriek and he glares at me as if saying ‘continue and I won’t go on ‘ so I shut up. “She is the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. She is pregnant.” knowing him, it’s best if I’m quiet.

“She was a night stand who became pregnant with my kid “ he says shocking me further. His smile starts fading .” she is a billionaire just like you ,who owns a chain of hotels. “

“What is so bad about that, you get to be called daddy as you always wish .” I state.

“She send me an email yesterday saying she is expecting my child and she doesn’t need me to stand up as the role. That’s when I searched for her and realized who she is. She is Gloria Walters .”He states.

“What  the fuck! You screwed the single woman of the year and made her pregnant , we need to celebrate!” I say happily.

“We can’t , I called her number but her secretary said she is busy , I later confronted her at one of her restaurants and she said she is going to terminate my two months old baby “  he sadly says. My best friend is rarely sad , then and there I decide.

“I have to meet up with Miles , I got to go. Don’t be sad about her she will come around.” I stand and kiss his forehead as I walk out.

I fish out my phone and call my partner in crime,” are you busy ,it’s about Eric ,see you in a  few.”  Ten minutes later, my P.I.C walks towards my car. After retelling the story, we decide to take action.

I met Eric in my sophomore year of high school, he was a fresh more then, me and Ken befriended him since he stood up to a junior to defend us. He is a year younger than us, he is our best friend and brother. He is the most selfless person we know of, he was raised by a single mother thus him always avoiding relationships. He has one night stands on a rare occasion, otherwise he is always single.

“Ready ?” I ask

“ Always ready.” ?Ken says opening the restaurant door. We adjust our glasses and walk in towards the counter.

“Hi , is Miss Walters in?” I ask the brunette waitress .

“ Yeap but she is busy.” She replies wiping the counter top .

I look around the restaurant and notice the brown haired beauty siting in the far corner busy on her phone. I indicate to Ken and we walk towards her ignoring the waitress. We make ourself comfortable and I clear my throat, once she notices us, we remove our shades.

“ How may I help you ladies ?” she asks while looking back at her phone.
“Won’t you want to know us first?” Ken sarcastically asks .”I am Kennedy Jones and she is Amanda Brown , how is the baby?” that shocks her most .

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