Nineteen 💫

168 11 2

**time skip to a month later**
Today is the final court hearing to determine who gets to keep the kids. Miles is tensed as we walk to the courtroom. I smile at him telling him everything is gonna be alright. To be sincere I also don't know if everything is gonna be okay. It appears as if Annie is winning, you may ask me why. Well here is a simple explanation, 60% of the jury are male who am sure as anything can't pass up an offer for free pussy or money.

Annie smiles at us as we walk in, well an evil smile. With all the witts I got, I sweetly smile back at her. I have one bad resolve on my sleeve, well it wasn't my idea at first it was Miles' but I'm gonna go with it. We all have to present the last evidence today. I only got one strong one while the other is just for precautions.

"Miss Brown, do you have any more to add?"

"Yes your honor I do. Sir I wish to present Barbara Hailey, the former house help of Mr. Miles here. She was fired two months after Ellie was born by Miss Annie."

Barbara is sworn and stands at the witness stand.

"I began working with Mr. Cooper and Miss Annie when Dannie, their son was just a year old. At that time I was hired as Dannie's nanny. Miss Annie was always good to me and Dannie when Sir Miles was at home. But the moment he was out is when she also left or started insulting her son and telling me to get the brat out of the way. I worked with her and continued ignoring her insults and caring for the boy as if he was my own.

One could see the difference when Sir Miles came home from work. Dannie would always cheer up once his dad was home but hide away when his mum was around. She I insulted the little boy whenever she got a chance. That did not change once she got pregnant with Ellie, she always said she was a mistake. She would leave her all day long with nothing for her. One time I threatened her that she should at least breastfeed her or I would report her to Sir but she just laughed and told me I won't since she is firing me. That's the last time I saw the two kids." After that Isaac asks her questions to deter the evidence but she remains her point.

When Isaac is asked to present a witness he presents a lady who I later come to realize is Miles' former personal assistant. The lady talks about how Miles is a workaholic and spews up all the bullshit of how he doesn't care for a soul except himself.

"Miss Abigail, you claim that Miles is a workaholic?"

"I don't claim I state the truth."

"Do you have kids?"

"Nope I don't."

"Are your parents alive?"
"Your honor I don't see how that is relevant." Isaac says

"Continue Miss P and Mr. Isaac you had your time so don't disturb again."

"Yes my parents are alive."

"Was your dad home all the time?"

"He was working at times and he was home when he had the chance.

"So he was not a stay at home dad, right. Was your mom home?"

"Yeah almost all the time she worked from home."

"You know why your dad left you at home most of the time? He trusted your mom with you. He knew she was your mother who loved you limitless and would do anything for you. Or am I wrong?"

"No you are not."

"Did you ever say that your dad is a workaholic because he goes to work every day? No? I know why because you knew he was working so that he can provide for you." Everyone in the courtroom is silent as they wait for what am gonna ask next.

"That's all you honor."

"Mr. Isaac and Miss Perfect do you have any more?" the judge asks. Isaac shakes his head as I say a yes. Isaac and Annie look at me as if I'm an alien and I smile at them.

"Your honor if you may excuse me, can I present a special witness but not before the court?" I ask as I nod to the secretary who hands over something to the judge.

"Recess in ten." The judge says.

"What was that about cousin?" Annie asks as soon as she stands next to me.

"I don't know, let's wait and see honey." I sweetly say. These ten minutes are wasted with me and Miles pacing around waiting and waiting until we are called I n.

"Well let's all see the final determiner of this case. "The judge says and presses a button and a video starts to play.

"Hi there buddy." A voice I recognize as the secretary speaks.


"Don't be shy honey. Do you want candy?"

The little boy shakes his head and continues fiddling with his white shirt. "My dad told me not talk to strangers" he shyly says.

"Okay I am flora. I am a friend of your dad, what is your name?"

"My name is Dannie."

"Do you have friends?"

"Yes, my best friend is called Pearl and he is the best. His mother
Amie is also my friend; she spends time with me and Ellie all the time."

"And what about your dad."

"Well dad is the bestest. He plays with me, hugs me, buys me candy , reads me bedtime stories also he tells me he loves me so much and I love him." He beams happily.

"What of your mom?" with that question, his smile falls.

"She is bad; she scolds me all the time and makes me cry she is bad. She told me she hates me and Ellie and calls us brats. I don't like her she is a meanie" he says and it's evident he is about to cry.

"Do you wanna stay with mummy or daddy?"

"I don't want to stay with mummy she is a meanie. Dad is good I will stay with him not mum. Please don't make me stay with mummy." He says crying. My heart breaks as I look at his crying face. The video comes to an end and almost everyone is wiping their faces. Annie glares at me the moment I look at her.

"It's time for the verdict. Jury pleases."

"The jury has come to a final decision. We hereby grant full custody of Danielle Cooper and Daniel Cooper with no visitation rights or any contact to the other, to Miles Cooper."

Once the court is dismissed, I jump on Miles and hug him tight congratulating him on the win. Miles is happily wiping the escaped tears he has been trying to hold.

"We won honey, this deserves a celebration."

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