Twenty 💫

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“Pearl hand me my phone.” I request my son who is so busy playing a game in my phone.

“Nope I won’t until you say please.”

“Why should I say please and it’s my phone?”

He shrugs as he continues playing on the phone. “You always say that we should be polite while asking for something and always say, please, thank you, sorry and excuse me, whenever it needs to be said.” He is using my words against me.

“Pearl, may you hand me my phone please.” I say with all the sarcasm I can gather.

“Sorry mom I’m using it and it’s about to go off.”

“Hand me over am giving it back right now.”

“Nope, that was not the deal, you said that I hand you over the remote so that you can watch your show while I play with your phone. A deal is a deal momma and you must keep it.” Someone help me kill this kid.

“Aargh fine.”

“Oooh and Miles texted a while before saying he is coming over.”

“How long ago is that while ago?”

“When you just handed me the phone.” he says and continues playing.

“You are the worst Pearl.” I groan as I glare at him. He sticks his tongue at me making me copy his actions. We do this for a while until the doorbell goes off.

“Go open the door”

“No momma you go. You told me not to always open the door.”

“Pearl come on” he looks at me and shakes his head. Who gave birth to this kid!

Once I open the door, Dannie hugs my feet as he runs into the house. Miles gives me a peck as he also walks in with a sleeping Ellie. All this without me allowing them to come in.

“Good afternoon to you too. You may come in.” I sarcastically say as I close the door.

“Why didn’t you reply my text?” he asks as soon as he sees me reemerge.

“Pearl has my phone.”


Since Miles won the custody battle, we have been spending more time together. We have been going out for a while now with and without the kids.

“I brought snacks.” He says as he hands me a bag full of cupcakes.

“You are the best Miles.” I say taking the bag and begin eating one of them.

“I smelled snacks Momma.”  My son says as he runs back to where we are. Once Dannie came, they went to his room. One thing about him is that he can smell food from a distance and he is always hungry. He helps himself with a cupcake also and lets Dannie pick one also.

“You don’t need one?” I ask Miles while stuffing a cupcake in my mouth.

“Nope, I already ate five before coming here, but she may need one.” he says pointing to a wide awake Ellie who is clapping her little hands happily. I give her little bits of the cupcake so that she cannot choke. She starts walking around the house as she claps. She started walking about two weeks ago, well two or three steps and falling, if that’s what we call walking.

“Mama…mama…mama…”she says as she runs with her little feet to where I am. To say I am shocked is an understatement. Everything goes silent at the moment as everyone stills.

“Ellie can talk!”

“Ellie said her first words!”

“She called you mama!”  They all shout at the same time while I am still still. I look at Miles expecting a sad look, since well his daughter’s fist word was not dad. Instead, he has the largest smile on his face. I pick her up and hug her to my chest tightly making her giggle. After I release her, she wipes something on my face which I realize are tears. I’m so happy.We all spend the day together cooking, having food fights and playing. Miles leaves around eight leaving me with a huge smile on my face.

“Goodnight momma, I love you” Pearl says besides me on my bed.

“Goodnight honey, I love you.” I say as I peck his forehead and also pecks mine. Some minutes later, while I’m drifting off, a text comes through my phone. Knowing it’s probably Miles, I open it tiredly ready to reply and curse him out. The text I see, removes all the sleepiness in my eyes and body.

Unknown:  I know that you killed Tristan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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