Nine 💫

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He slowly goes back to my mouth and kisses me with a lot of passion, I find myself responding with the same intensity. A minute later, his shirt is off as I run my hands on his bare chest. I moan as our bare chests come in contact. My sensitive nipples become more aroused as his chest start to move sideways.

His hands push my dress all the way down and his hand skillfully enter my panties and start playing with my wet parts... I moan loudly as one of his large fingers enter me. His other hand rips my wet panties and leaves me with his merciless fingers which are moving at a faster pace. He adds his third finger moaning of how tight I am.. I feel already at the peak and I want to come so badly...

" My virgin eyes! "someone shouts from the front door.

"Damn Ken, I was enjoying the show " a voice I recognize as Miles best friend replies.

I hide my face in Miles' chest as he shouts a get out. He smiles sweetly at me and helps me put on my clothes back well without my panties.

"We will continue this later, "he says pecking my lips and walking out.  Ken is back in the room ones Miles left and she has a knowing smirk on her face. She deprived me of an orgasm and she is now smirking.

"What now.. couldn't you come a minute later? I was about to have an orgasm ." I tell her frowning which makes her laugh. This bitch is so annoying.

"Are you so grumpy because of an orgasm? "when I don't respond, "I'm so sorry Amanda,,, "she says sincerely.

"You owe me! " I state and she nods and starts asking me on how it all came down. Before I answer which I wasn't about to, I'm saved by the bell, well not the bell bell but my son. He smiles at me and comes and hugs Ken's legs.

I don't have the time to think of what just happened until I'm home alone in my room. This is the first time I allowed myself to feel after Tristan. And also my first time being involved with a client. I decide then and there that that is the last thing I will ever do.

Since Tristan died , I never allowed myself to get closer to any man.  What I know is that I may have been the cause of his death.

" Mommy is Dannie going to be my brother? " my son asks out of the blue.

" No honey, "I state not knowing when he got here. "Why do you think so? "

" Because Auntie Ken was telling grandma that she found you and Miles kissing.  And my friends say that only their mother and fathers kiss, is Miles going to be my dad? " he asks with a smile on his face.

"No son he isn't, now get to sleep you have school tomorrow "I state.  Remind me to kill Ken when I see her. Pearl kisses my cheek as he makes himself comfortable in my bed and says goodnight. Although my  son has his own room, he prefers to sleep with either me or my siblings.  I say a short prayer and turn my bedroom lights off.

My ringtone awakes me in the middle of the night. I frown as I see it's just twenty three minutes past eleven. The caller ID Miles.

"What!? "

"I need your help " he states. With that I'm wide awake. " I am at your door. " he says and ends the call. The nerve of this guy. I don't care what I'm wearing but open the door. He hands me a crying Ellie and disappears and appears    a minute later with a sleeping Dannie. He places him on my coach and looks at me. His hair looks as if he has been running hands through it.

"She can't stop crying, help me out. She is more comfortable with you than anyone else. " he says tiredly.

Ellie calms down a little bit after a few minutes.

"Did you feed her? "

"She refused everything ."  he says. I wish I knew before I begun breastfeeding her that it was a bad idea. I am now the cause she is not eating and giving her dad a hard...

"Don't even think about it, it's not your fault " Miles says as if reading my thoughts. Knowing that Ellie is hungry, the motherly instincts in me come to work and I lift my shirt up only for her to have her meal.

Well I like sleeping in only a T-shirt without anything. And in my defense I never expected a visitor in my house at night. Ellie clings to my breasts so firmly. I notice her father sleeping at my other empty coach. He looks too cute I don't know how he sleeps in so much noise.

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