Four ,💫

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“Amanda , phone off the table !” mum shouts across the dining table.

“ Yes mum.” I say eying tony who is yet to be noticed by mum , he is using his phone from under the table.

“Tony!”Kenna shouts ,”can you pass me the salt please “ she silently says. We all know she doesn’t need the salt since its near Mike and not tony .

“ So mum , what was the announcement ?” Andy asks .

“ Be patient my dear, and stop talking with food in your mouth .”Mum scolds her.

“ As you know, Shirley and I have been seeing each other for over seven years now ,” Phil mum’s boyfriend begins “ I know we are already old , but I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her ,,,,”

“HE PROPOSED !” mum shouts happily lifting her hand up showing us her beautiful diamond ring ..

Shirley Angel Brown is a fifty three years old lady ,with her so beautiful black curly hair. She met dad during her freshman year at college. It was love at first sight as she always says. Dad was at the time ,the CEO to be of his father’s company while she was just girl with a dream of being an accountant. Years later , being parents of three, dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. That was when I was about six or five years. He began treatment immediately. Two years later, the triplets were born and dad’s treatment was going on well , the cancerous cells weren’t multiplying as fast as before. We all saw that as a good sign. Three years later he was declared cancer free.  One month later dad was rushed to ER. His cancer was back and it was worse , it spread too quickly for the doctors to control it. Four weeks later he passed away.

Mum was left with six kids, three teenagers and three young kids and a company to run.  She managed to keep all things in order through her loss. She was strong for us. A few years later she met Phil during one of her company meetings. He pursued her for months before she accepted a date with him. He was a divorced guy for more than twelve years. They eventually fell in love and well here they are.
Mum looks happiest as we all congratulate her. I am happy for her happiness. We all continue with our dinner chatting and laughing.
“ Mandie your boyfriend is at the door !” kenzie shouts. I ignore her knowing it’s their usual jokes
“ I don’t have one !”I  shout back from the kitchen.
“But he is here !” mike shouts ,aargh I better see what these kids are shouting about .
In the sitting room , across from Andy , is miles drinking a glass of water. I notice Elle in kenna’s arms and I smile sweetly at her. She wiggles her arms indicating that she wants me to pick her up and I do so, she snuggles into my chest and settles there .

“What brings you here miles ?” I ask making my presence known. Before he answers , Danny runs in followed by Pearl. Ones Danny notices me , he runs and hugs my legs

“Hi Amanda ?” I reply with a hi and look at miles waiting for his answer .

“Did you  forget our meeting was supposed to be today ?”

“When is today ?” I ask

“Thursday dumbass!” kenzie shouts.

“I wasn’t talking to you shit face “I say back earning a surprised look from miles .

“ Why did you come here then ?” I ask
“ Your assistant gave me your address . I came with the kids because their babysitter is on a three day leave from yesterday and I am watching them today. “He says making the girls Awww.
I face palm and as him to follow me towards a quiet place with baby Elle still in my arms.

“Nice shorts P” he says referring to my outfit, a t-shirt and short shorts. I blush as I make way  towards the balcony.

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