Eight 💫

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“I need popcorns the drama is about to begin!” Kenny says as she makes herself comfortable. We all glare at her and she matters a ‘what’ to me.

“Pearl and Dannie can you go to Uncle Eric?” Pearl nods and takes Dannie’s hand and they run out of my office.

“Since you were so eager to talk, why don’t you tell Miles why are here Marianne?” I ask her too nicely, she glares at me and looks at Miles who is still standing with Ellie in his arms. Damn he looks loveable.

“I decided to pay Amie, my niece a visit,” she starts. I snort.

“Niece!” Miles asks glaring at me.

I glare back at him and say “it wasn’t relevant.”

“As I was saying, I wanted her to be Annie’s lawyer since she is family, you know.”

“But she is already my lawyer. So she can’t be hers.” He angrily says

“I wanted her to drop you.” Marianne says bluntly making Miles sarcastically laugh waking up my princess. I notice her look around the room and her gaze remains on her mother longer then it shifts to me. She begins wiggling her little hands wanting me to pick her up. Not concentrating in the ongoing conversation, I shake my head. Miles who was currently talking or rather shouting, walks towards me and hands Elli to me. Mum smiles at the action as Marianne and her daughter glare at me making Miles to pause talking and looks at what others are looking at.

“Amanda is my lawyer and will be mine on this case, why don’t your precious boyfriend be your lawyer?” Miles asks. They both stare at each other and at us questionably.

“Ex brother in law or are you afraid to lose a case concerning your girlfriend as you have been doing the past three years?” I ask sarcastically. Call me childish but today, we all know I’m not in a good mood. Truly, the last case Isaac won was three years ago that is before he took away my husband’s company. He let money in his head and he forgot about his previous cases. He has had about thirteen cases so far and won none.

“He is practically still your brother in law” Kenny says. Mom glares at her and she shuts up. I notice Miles looking at me, while Anne was glaring at me, I guess since Elli was comfortable in my arms and playing with my hair. I swear that kid has an addiction towards my hair.

“Meeting is over I have work to do….” I say looking at my watch. “Now chop chop everyone out Anne lets meet in court.” I say. Anne who hasn’t said anything since Miles came in is now busy on her phone as she walks out followed by her parents. Uncle Tom being the nice vein in the family, smiles at me which I smile back and walks out. Isaac is about to say something but I glare at him and he walks out. Mum and Kenny bid us goodbye and left.

“Marianne is mum’s cousin; she has been pestering m on dropping you and taking Anne as a client. And Isaac is my late husband’s brother.” I clarify to him without him asking.

“Shall we go now?” he asks grumpily.

“Go where?”

“Did you forget you were supposed to come at mine for my time you wasted today?” he says already walking out of the door leaving me and Elli back.

Twenty minutes later, we are packed in a spacious parking lot, with about seven most expensive cars and two bikes. I looked at the place in awww knowing that all these belonged to Miles. That not being a surprising thing since the dude is a billionaire. In front of me stood a mansion, I aaawed more at that since it’s one of the best designed mansions I have come across.

“Close your mouth mommy!” Pearl says. I blush as I notice that I’m alone and all the others are already at the front door. I carefully walk into the house making sure I don’t trip and fall again. The house is more beautiful in the inside. I make myself comfortable in the loveseat as I continue admiring the house. In most part of the wall are pictures of Dannie and Elli from both their young age. A few consist of Miles on them.

“Are you done now?” Miles asks siting on the seat opposite of me. He is dressed in jeans and a black t shirt. Was I staring that long that he went and changed? He looks edible right now. I nod at him not finding my words.

We discuss about the case for about thirty minutes and about ourselves for the next thirty minutes or so while the kids were playing on the other side of the house. I got to know that Miles’ favorite color is green, he has three best friends and a sister and a brother who are both younger than him. I also came to learn that his mom and dad are still alive and in love. He inherited the company from his dad on his twenty third birthday. His favorite food is fries and he loves chick flicks. I also noticed he is a sweet young boy in the body of a man. He also loves his kids so much and he is so protective of them.

Ellie who was crawling on the floor, begun crying and crawling towards me. Miles picks her up and tries feeding her formula and she refuses continuing crying. She wiggles her little hands as if throwing a tantrum. I pick her up from Miles and she becomes quiet for a moment before she begins again. Knowing what she wants, I go straight ahead. While I was breastfeeding Pearl, I never was comfortable with doing it in front of strangers but with Ellie, I do it in front of Miles.

With my dress, I had to unzip first then let it down before I had access to my bra.

“Can you help me with the zipper?” I ask a flustered Miles who nods and walks at the back of my seat, Elli who is silent by now knowing her meal is almost there stares into my eyes. I feel Miles’ hands on my back and my body tenses. He slowly opens my zipper until its last point which is just near my panties. His hands move around my waist in the most sensual way and I bite my lip. Ellie decides she has had enough and starts crying again. I sway her slowly and she becomes quiet again. Her dad, who seems to have already concentrated on what he was asked to do, unhooks my bra. I gasp as his large hands get a hold of my large breasts and pinches both my nipples.

“Elli ….Elli….first….” I stammer not understanding what he said. He walks back to his chair and looks at me with his lust filled eyes waiting for me to go on. Me being the tease I am, let my dress fall off my shoulders exposing my naked boobs. Ellie who was impatient all this time lathes on my right boob. All this time, my eyes are on Miles whose pupils look more dilated. He looks at my left boob then at my eyes then stands up and storms off not before me noticing the tent in his trousers. I smile as he walks towards the kids. Ellie is asleep ones she is full. I place her in the sofa next to me so that I can dress back normally. She is suddenly lifted by her dad, who disappears and a minute later is back and unhooking my just hooked bra. His hands are everywhere.

“T...he... kids…?” I ask

“Are asleep …” he says as he kisses my neck. “you…kiss…have …kiss…been ….teasing…kiss…me…kiss…all…kiss…this…kiss…kiss…time…I .kiss….want…kiss…to…kiss...burry…kiss…myself….kiss….in…kiss…you….kiss….now…kisss”he says each time kissing me above my naked boobs.

“I’m not stopping you.” I state.

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