Twenty Three 💫

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To say my family is mad is an understatement, they are furious at me. In fact mum just grounded me, Tony is still glaring at me same as my other siblings. At least the kids are happy to see me.

"Mummy what have you done ?"Pearl whispers

"She has been a bad girl "Tony answers him.

"But guys , I did it for your safety"

"There's nothing like our safety here Amanda, you were just being selfish !" Andrea says. Ouch that stings

"Andie he can hurt all..."

"That's enough from you Amanda, we always help each other in such situations. The last time we helped didn't we? "Mum asks "stop being a brat and let us help on this we are family. We were all in danger still when you kept us in the dark. I really thought you knew better than this !"

"I'm sorry, okay" I say trying to hold back from crying

"We are taking over that from now on"

"But Tony I was the .."

"Yeah you were but am in charge now and you are out .  Don't give me those eyes Amanda am not falling for those eyes at this serious issue . Please don't even try to get involved in this case again. "

"Okay but can you keep me updated?"

"No will do " I glare at Andrea as she says that. "What !"

"It's my case I should at least know what's going on, please"

"Fine , we will tell you just the details and the fact that you are pregnant adda to our point " mum says

I am about to defend myself but the kids run into the room, I did not even notice them leaving

"Mum come and see! Daddy is back he had brought us gifts !" Dannie says running to me , he tries pulling me towards where he is "  come on mummy!" He shouts

"Dannie stop pulling your mum like that , she's pregnant!" There stands my man as handsome as ever, holding Ellie in his hands.

"Sorry daddy " he says still pulling me past his dad while Pearl holds my other hand dragging me with them.

True to Dannie's words , all the kids are each opening a gift. Everyone is shouting how they got this or that , awww isn't Miles just so sweet. He bought gifts for all the kids presents.

"We still have a lot to talk about missy"

"I know , thank you for this" I say pecking him

"Miles I hope you are staying for dinner " Mum says

"I don't think so ma'am , I had plans for me and Amanda "

"Cancel the plans because she is grounded and she can't leave our site " Miles giggles at that and I glare at him where he smiles sweetly at me and winks

"She also made a lot of food , she won't take no for an answer" Tony's wife shouts as she walks in eating a carrot.

" There's nothing like a lot of food" Ma starts  " there is just enough food " we complete her sentence. Ma giggles as she leaves the room.

I made my family sad and angry at me today , which made me angry at myself. No one ever wants to see their loved ones sad , but here we are all happy eating food Mum made. I love them.

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