Two 💫

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What you are telling me now Miles is that your ex-wife ....:"

"Ex-girlfriend! He clarifies the nth time.

"Ok your ex-girlfriend whom you were dating six years and a mother of your two kids decided to just call it quits on you and the kids "

"Yap, but that doesn't matter anymore, she wants to go away with my kids so that she can start her life somewhere else with another man..."

"Wait how do you know there's another man in her life?"

He sarcastically laughs "do you not know who my ex-girlfriend is? Don't answers that don't you know who Anne Evans is? "I look at him questionably.

He gets out his phone and walks behind me on my chair and shows me a picture of a beautiful brunette lady. I shrug my shoulder and look at him from my shoulder and notice him looking at me intensely, we stare at each other for about a minute before I cough to remove the awkwardness in the room.

"She is the owner of. F& M modeling company here in the city. "I personally don't know the owner of that company but I know one of my relative's daughter owns the place .wait!

"What are her parent's names?"

"Why?" I give him one of my serious faces and he answers "Marianne and Damien Forestor "he looks at me as my face pales." are you okay? "Before I can answer him my phone goes off.

I look at the time and notice that our meeting was overdue ten minutes ago.

"Time flies fast Miles, it was nice seeing you today, see you in a week?"

"Not a week honey, see you later today. "He says and walks out. What does he mean? Before I think farther, my phone goes off again.

"How are you doing sweetheart? Its long since you talked to us."

"I've been so busy lately; you know how law can make you so busy?"

"I do understand, on that matter, your mum asked me to call you, we need your help. "If Miles wasn't here a minute ago I couldn't have known why she called, she never calls me.

"Your cousin Anne has filed for a custody battle with her ex-lover and she needs a lawyer ASAP"

"Aunt Marianne I don't th..."

"it's okay honey, call me later after a meeting with her I already booked her an appointment for her in the next twenty minutes. Bye honey "and she hungs up.

Twenty minutes go up fast not giving me enough time to think over on how to reject family kindly. The queen of the hour herself walks in my office. dressed in a red short cleavage dress leaving nothing for imagination. She is truly beautiful. I notice the resemblance of her in Marianne. the last time aunt Marianne came to visit was about seven years ago and they came alone.

"hello cousin dearest. "she sweetly says to me.

"hello, have we ever met before, like you know since we are cousins?"

"I don't think so, so back to business. I recently filed for custody of my kids since my ex fiancée wants to have them by himself. I gave birth to them so you know I don't need that connection to get lost. "

"wait a minute before you continue, do you even know my name cousin?"

"Amelia right? "I shake my head disbelievingly.

"it's Amanda; I can't take your case "I say

She looks at me shocked and starts "why can't you? I have all the money I need in third world why?"

"that's not it. I can't."

"we are family Amelia and family help each other all the time "

I laugh sarcastically and glare at her "family also knows each other and their names. "she looks at me as if trying to say something and closes her mouth.

"your loss! "she shrugs and begins walking out.

"you claim you want to keep your kids coz of the connection which I know it isn't there , "she stops and looks back at me "your kids are really sad ,Danny heard you telling his father that you hate him and Ella ."with the mention of her kids name she angrily looks at me.

"how do you know my kids?"

"they're at the same daycare as my son."

As if something clicks in her mind, she looks at me and says the unexpected."ooh you are the cousin whose boyfriend died the same night you gave birth?"

"yap that's me. if you have nothing more let me show you out "I say as I walk to my office door opening it wide enough "oooh and Anne, I'm miles' lawyer. "I state and shut my door on her face not waiting to see any reaction.

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