(S1:E8) Bugs Scenes

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As the boys drove through town, they passed a sign for an open house, decorated with red balloons.

"What?" Sam asked.

"I know a good place to start," Dean said.

Another sign read, "Models Open. New Buyers' BBQ Today!"

"Ahh yes, the promise of free food. The way to a man's heart," Crowley said.

Everyone looked over when Cas groaned. "If I had known that, I would've made you a steak within a week of meeting you."

Dean smiled at him. "You could make him a steak anytime." Then he thought for a moment. "Actually, no, I don't trust you in the kitchen."

Cas frowned and smacked Dean in the arm.

"I'm kinda hungry for a little barbeque, how 'bout you?" Sam gave him a knowing look. "What, we can't talk to the locals?"

"And the free food's got nothin' to do with it?" Sam questioned, knowing the answer.

"Of course not. I'm a professional."


"No one in this room believes that," Jody said.

"I know that," Dean said.

They pulled over and got out of the car. They began walking down the street to the open house.

"Growin' up in a place like this would freak me out," Dean said.


"Well, manicured lawns, "How was your day, honey?" I'd blow my brains out."

"You say that way too casually," Claire said.

"Well, there's a lot of things I say too casually," Dean added.

"I'd take our family over normal any day."

They approached the house and knocked on the door.

The homeowner answered. "Welcome."

"This the barbeque?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, not the best weather, but... I'm Larry Pike, the developer here. And you are... ?"

"Dean. This is Sam."

They shook hands.

"Sam, Dean, good to meet you. So, you two are interested in Oasis Plains?"

"Yes, sir."

"Let me just say - we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color, or... sexual orientation."

Almost everyone burst out laughing at the implication.

"Why does everyone think we're gay?" Dean asked.

"I mean, my gaydar goes crazy when I'm around you," Charlie said. "You give off some crazy bi-vibes."

"What do you mean?"

"You wear a lot of flannel, you cuff your jeans, I constantly catch you checking out guys when you think no one's looking, just, your hair in general-"

"What's wrong with my hair?" Dean mumbled as he subtly ran a hand through his hair.

"-all your bracelets and shit, your unnatural obsession with cowboys, Scooby-Doo, and Dr. Sexy, and the way you stand with your bow-legs, your legs are just always open."

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