(S2:E20) What Is And Should Never Be and Edit 2

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The next morning, everyone woke up in a good mood and was smiling all throughout the breakfast of French toast and waffles Dean cooked for them. Even Jack, who usually played with his food more than he ate it, was giggling between bites of banana slices. Though no one said it aloud, it was clear that everyone was thankful that Dean had come up with the idea to spend a night outside in the fresh air and spend time together. It had done them all good and they all slept well last night, better than they had in a long time.

Rowena and Crowley had joined them for breakfast, explaining that they'd wanted a night to reconnect. Sam believed that that was partly the truth, but something felt off like that was only partly the truth.

Dean's ring was slowly healing him and by the time breakfast was over he was feeling good enough to fight back against letting the kids clean up. They eventually gave up knowing they wouldn't win and instead gathered up a bunch of snacks and water bottles that Gabe kept stocking up on.

When everyone gathered in the Dean Cave, Bobby wanted to hold his sleeping grandson and Emma wanted to sit between Charlie and Claire.

Dean was driving when his cell phone rang. "Yeah?"

Sam is standing in a motel room. "There's a cop car outside."

"You think it's for us?"

"I don't know."

"I don't see how. I mean we ditched the plates, the credit cards."

The cop car drives away and Sam lets out a breath of relief. "They're leaving. False alarm."

"Well, see. Nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, being fugitives? Frigging dance party."

"That's what ya get for breaking out of jail and running from the cops, ya idjits."

"Well, what the hell else were we supposed to do?"

"Hey man, chicks dig the danger vibe."

In the room, Sam was standing in front of a bunch of books about a specific demon called Djinn, and on top of them was John's journal, open on the same subject.

Dean sighed and dropped his chin to his chest. This was one of the few moments in his life that no one knew about; neither Cas nor Sam knew anything about what he'd experienced while under the influence of the Djinn and he wasn't excited for them to see it. Especially the end.

"So you got anything yet?"

"Are you kidding me? How could I? You got me sifting through like 50 square miles of real estate here."

"Well, that's where all the victims disappeared."

"Yeah well, I got diddly-squat. What about you?"

"Just one thing. I'm pretty sure of it now." Sam pulled one book closer. "We're hunting a Djinn."

"A freaking genie?"


"What? You think these suckers can really grant wishes?"

"God, I forgot that you guys didn't know everything by this point," Charlie stated.

"Yeah. There was so much we didn't know then that became common knowledge by the time you guys started hunting," Dean explained.

"Glad we had the best teachers in the business."

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