(S1 : E14) Nightmare

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In a suburban neighborhood at night, a man drove down the street into his garage and turned off the engine. There was a close-up of the Michigan number plate.

The garage door then started winding down by itself and he looked at it, confused. His car doors then locked themselves. He struggled but couldn't open them. The ignition key turned by itself and the engine started, exhaust smoke beginning to fill the garage. The man struggled to turn off the engine to no avail. When that failed, he attempted to kick out the windows, again to no avail. The radio flicked on and the man begins to cough.

"Help. Somebody help me!"

By then the smoke was very thick and he keeled over, unconscious.

By that point, Claire had sat up and made herself comfortable once more in Cas's lap. At the sight of the gruesome death, she wrapped her arms around him, around the man she considered to be her father.

She knew that Cas had made it clear he didn't wish to replace her father, merely to attempt to fill the void he'd created by using her father as a vessel. At first, she'd despised him and everything he stood for. But as time passed and she got to know both Dean and Cas better, the more they realized they actually cared about her, that it wasn't some misplaced guilt. And she began to care for them as well. They became her parents, as well as Jody. She had yet to tell them that to their face (she'd told Jody that long ago), but she had a plan.

Sam shot up from his bed, suddenly wide awake. He looked across to where Dean was sleeping peacefully. Sam sat for a moment, then moved into action, flipping on the light switch and shaking his brother.

"Dean. Dean."

The moment Dean stirred, Sam rose and started gathering his things.

Dean rubbed his eyes, slowly waking up. "What are you doing man, it's the middle of the night," he asked, raising himself on his elbows.

"We have to go," was all Sam said.

Dean was Immediately alert but not alarmed. "What's happening?"

"We have to go. Right now."

Sam grabbed his bag and walked out of the motel room.

Dean was driving and Sam was on the phone, reading from a Michigan State Police ID.

"McReady. Detective McReady. Badge number 158. I've got a signal 480 in progress, I need the registered owner of a two-door sedan, Michigan licence plate, Mary-Frank-six-zero-three-seven. Yeah ok, just hurry."

"Sammy relax. I'm sure it's just a nightmare," Dean said, trying to calm his brother.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"I mean it. Y'know, a normal, everyday, naked-in-class, nightmare. This licence plate, it won't check out. You'll see."

"Dean, what kind of nightmares do you have?" Kevin asked.

"Plenty that you never want to hear of, but I haven't had one like that since I was a kid. I've never had that one specifically, but I've heard classmates talk about them. And Sam used to have plenty when he was younger."

"It felt different Dean. Real. Like when I dreamt about our old house. And Jessica."

"Yeah, that makes sense. You're dreaming about our house, your girlfriend. This guy in your dream, you ever seen him before?"


"No. Exactly. Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan?"

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