Look At That, The Consequences Of My Actions Coming To Haunt Me

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Only bitches played by the rules during a board game and Izuku was no bitch.


Society has been searching for a new source of power ever since quirks fell out of existence. Search parties go out daily in hopes of finding the crystal that is said to grant powers to its keepers. But with power comes evil and the search soon becomes a race so that the crystal does not fall into the wrong hands.

Shipwrecked and hopelessly lost, Izuku, Shoto, and Momo must work harder than ever to get them back on track and find the crystal before the others do. But when it becomes clear they are not the only ones on the island, things quickly go downhill. Izuku discovers there are suddenly more secrets than answers waiting for him.

Trust is a fragile thing and both Shoto and Hitoshi want it.

They want love too.

Izuku just wants to go home.


New story who dis?

Anyways you all should go check out my new book. It's pretty snazzy. 

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