Flashbacks and Jinxx's Feeding Session

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"Is she awake yet?"

"No! Be quiet!"

"But I'm Thirsty..."

"Just wait a little bit longer."

As these muffled voices from behind the door woke me from my dreamless sleep I sat up quick, as the previous week's memories rushed into my awarness.



On my way out of the concert hall bathroom I searched for my friend Scar. As I tried to find her familier face in the huge crowd, my eyes fell apon on who I only saw 20 minutes ago on stage...Ashley Purdy. He was staring right at me! But this wasnt your "damn you're cute, how do I get you in my bed?" kind of stare. It was...fuck, I dont know what kind of stare it was but if looks could kill, I'd be dead. Just as I was going to continue my search for Scar, an overpowering feeling came over me. And a familiar voice echoed in my head. "Come here."

Unable to resist my feet started walking in the direction of the stage. I felt like I was in a daze. My subconscious told me to run, but I was to busy following the voice's commands to listen to it. By the time I got to the stage, everybody had filled out to the other room. As I aproched the side of the stage, Andy, Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, and CC all walked out.

I Finally snapped back to reality and relised who was standing in front of me. I was in too much shock to notice that each of them had a pair of long white fangs. Holly shit! They're VAMPIRES! Ashley was the first to step forward closer to me.

"I see you got my message." He smiled a creepy smile.

Now I wasnt so excited as I was scared now that I was sensing the danger.

"That was you?" I asked. Ashley chuckled.

"Why, yes it was. I'm glad to see that tonight's meal wont be so hard to catch."

My eyes widened at that. "M- Meal?" I stuttered.

They all just smiled, showing their terrifying fangs. They all stepped closer to me baring their fangs at me. Then they started circling me. Like they were the predators and I was their prey. Which in this case, is true.

Instinct then took over as I started running towards the main doors. In my haste, I didnt notice that CC was right in front of me. So vampires have super speed? huh. looks like twilight wasnt COMPLETE bullshit... I ran right into him. I was expecting him to fall over like I almost did but he just laughed. Without wasting anymore time being closer to him I turned around and ran in the other direction towards the stage hopping to get someone's attention. But since my clumbsy self tripped over a cord on the ground, I then fell face first onto the cold, unforgiving ground.

Hands then grabed me by my arms and pulled me up off the ground. Looking up straight in to the blue eyes of Andy I froze. He might be trying to kill me but I will always melt when I look into those beautiful blue eyes. Behind Andy appered Ashley,Jinxx, Jake and CC. I looked back into Andy's eyes expecting to see the wonderful sea of blue, but only to see that he had crimison red eyes. They were practically glowing! They all had glowing red eyes! Andy dropped me and I tried to run away again. To no avail. They had me cornered.

"No more games." He said.

As Andy and Ashley were about to bite into the skin of my neck, Jake, Jinxx and CC about to bite into my wrists and arms, I tried one last time at survival.

"Wait! Please! I'll do anything! Just please dont kill me!" I screamed.

They all froze and looked me in the eyes. I felt moist tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'll do anything." I said again.

"Anything?" They all asked in unison.

"Yes anything."

They all exchanged looks and nodded once before Jake put a rag to my face.

I gasped. Then blacked out.


Still grogey from sleep I stumbled out into the hall to be greeted by the smells of breakfast cooking. Walking into the living area of the tour bus I plopped down onto the couch. Jinxx was making food.

"Is everyone up yet?" I asked.

Jinxx just nodded his head, keeping his eyes down.

"What's wrong?"

Jinxx then looked up and I saw that his eyes were red.

I sighed and patted the spot next to me. Ever since the guys of Black Veil Brides kidnapped me a week ago, (and since i found out they were vampires) all five of them have been feeding on me almost everyday. It hurts more when Ashley feeds but other than that I'm surprisingly okay with it. Jinxx walked over and sat next to me. I leaned my head to the side so he has more room. He scooted closer, while he was eyeing my neck hungryly and grabbed my shoulders. He brought his mouth down on my neck. Jinxx, I think, is the most gental with me. He softly kissed my pulse point and the next thing I know, I felt his razor sharp fangs pierce my skin.

I let out a tiny squeak from the pain it caused. No matter how many times a day they bite me, I dont think I'll ever get used to the pain. I felt the blood leave my body as Jinxx was literally sucking the life out of me. After about a few minutes I couldnt take the pain anymore.


He pulled his fangs out of my neck. He had blood on his lips and running down his chin.

"Sorry." He breathed. "You just taste so good."

"It's okay..." I tried to move but found that I was too weak to move.

"Here, let me help you." He picked me up bridal style. "Where to?"

"Back to my room please."

Jinxx carried me to my room and layed me down on the bed. He still hasnt licked my blood from his lips. Are all boys so messy? I thought. Jinxx was about to walk out when I yelled "WAIT!" He turned around.


"Lick the blood from your face. You look like a pig."

He just smiled and did as he was told before he walked out. Exhausted from the feeding session, I closed my eyes and fell back alseep.

I Would Die For You (Andy Biersack love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora