Blood and Love

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"So where are we going now?" I asked. For the past 30 minutes we've been driving past cows and mountains. There were some houses but not much.

"Uh..Jon?" Andy yelled.

"Reno, Nevada!" Jon yelled back. "At the Knitting Factory!"

"Oh, cool."

I've never been anywhere outside my hometown. I guess that's the only good thing about being trapped here. I get to sight see! Well, that and I get to spend time with Andy.

"Are we going to go sight seeing?" I asked yet another question.

"Man, you ask a lot of questions" CC asked from his bunk. I bet he's naked. He's always naked.

"I'm curious. So are we!?"

Just then Jake walked in from the bathroom.

"The only sight seeing we get to do is whatever we can see from the bus windows."

Well that's stupid...


Andy held me close. "It's okay, baby. Come on. Lets go watch a movie in your room."

Then Andy picked me up bridal style and carried me to the room where he set me down on the bed.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked me.

"SPIDERMAN!" I yelled.

Andy chuckled and said, "The one with Toby McGuire or the newest one?"

"Toby McGuire."

He nodded and said, "Okay...Now which one?" and held up all three Spidermans.

Andy smiled the most aborable smiled ever. It made him look younger.

"Let's have a Spiderman marathon!"

His smile widened. "Only if we have a Batman marathon afterwards."

"But there's like, six Batman movies!"

He put the disc in and layed down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know." Then he kissed my forehead and pressed play.

When the part when Peter saves M.J. from being mugged and he's hanging upside down and they kiss in the rain came on, I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Andy asked.

"Nothing. It's just ever since I was little, I've wanted to have a Spiderman Kiss." I said.

"Oh. Well right now you can have an Andy Biersack Kiss." He said as he rolled on top of me with a mischievous glint in his blue eyes.

"What's an Andy Biersack Kiss?" I asked as he held his body so that ours were lightly pressed against each other.

Andy inclinded his head til his mouth was touching my neck. "This.."

He kissed my neck. Pretty soon kissing turned into nibbling and nibbling turned into biting and biting turned into sucking. After a few minutes Andy pulled back to look at me.

"You got hickeys." He smiled.

"Gee, I wonder why." I smiled back.

Andy's mouth found my neck again. He started to bite at the skin. His hand found its way into my hair. He grabbed a fist full and pulled so my neck was angled to the side and fully exposed.

"Andy...Please." I said.

Andy growled and started to trace my spine, raising goose bumps all over my body. I tried to get up but he held me down and I couldnt move. He was too strong. Then I felt something sharp dig into my neck. I gasped not expecting it. Andy drank my blood while I tried not to pass out. When he was done he watched as the blood flowed out of the bite marks. Then Andy licked up the blood-starting at the base of my neck and stopping where he bit me- slowly, making me moan.

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