Shattered Tears and Scattered Fears

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My vision was blurry. I was just coming out of unconsciousness from what felt like a weird dream. Then as if a heavy veil was lifted from my mind I realized what I had done. With a groan I sat up off the floor and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Shit." I mumbled.

I really fucked up. Snow isn't here. All I remember is picking up glass off the floor when Snow cut herself. I told her to run. The last memory I have was my vision going red before I lunged for Snow's throat. The rest of it is a complete blank.

I got up and went into the kitchen. Snow's blood stained the floor. Worry filled me. Did I drink from Snow? Did I...kill her?

I mentally cursed myself. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't drink from Snow anymore. Instinct and bloodlust drove me to break that promise.

How could I have been so stupid? I knew that not feeding would eventually make me deranged. The horrible burn in my throat reminded me of that. But yet...the burn is still there. Did I not drink from Snow? I was so confused. The house still had the lingering scent of fear in it.

My eyes fell on the table. There, sat a note with my name scribbled in Jake's handwriting on it. My eyes scanned the page as relief flooded through me. Snow is safe. My worst fear didn't come true. I didn't kill her. But as I stood there, another thought came to the forefront of my mind. I might loose her.


I looked at Snow in the review mirror. Her residing fear swarming throughout the small, closed space of my car. She was trembling and I could tell it wasn't from the cold evening air.

I thought back to Andy. I've never seen him took so mad with thirst. No wonder Snow is so scared.

I wonder when the last time he fed. It's not safe for any human to be around a vampire that hasn't fed. Especially with Andy's self-control. At this point he's worse than Ashley.

"Jake." Snow's voice, quiet and soft, said from the back seat.


"Can you turn on the radio? It's awfully quiet."

In The End sounded through the car's speakers. I saw Ella smirk, which made me smile.

"No." Snow said.

My smile faded as I turned down the radio. Silence filled the car as we drove.

I pulled up the driveway and into the garage. Ella and I got out of the car and started towards the door leading into the house. Before I stepped inside I noticed that Snow wasn't behind me. I turned around and saw her still sitting in the car with her face in her hands. Her shoulders moving up and down in violent sobs.

I ran, opened the car door and pulled her into a tight hug. Her body trembled as she cried into the crook of my neck. The sense of her fear hit me like a battering ram, making my fangs elongate. I willed them under control and slung Snow's bag over my shoulder and scooped her up in my arms.

Ella held the door open as I carried her inside and set her on the couch.

"I'll make some tea." Ella said and walked into the kitchen.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "So, Snow. you want to talk about what happened?"

She hickuped and said, "Why don't you just read my mind?"

I sighed. "Sometimes it's better to talk about things out loud."

She took a deep, shuddered breath. Once she got her breathing under control she spoke.

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