Cat And Mouse

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The sickening smell of blood woke me up.

When I opened my eyes I was met with 5 pairs of red irises. It was pitch black. I tried to move my arms but they were chained behind me to the chair that I sat in.

"Don't move." Ashley's voice sounded in my head. I obeyed.

Andy chuckled. "Do you remember this?" He said then clicked on the light.

We were in a windowless room, cutting off the rest of the world. All five of them were standing around me in a circle.

I gulped.

"Andy. Please listen to me. You don't want to do this. It's the Blood Moon. Andy you ju-" Andy cut me off with a hard slap to the face.

"Shut up! Humans. It's like you want to die."

"Then why don't you kill me already?"

Andy chuckled. "Because we're going to play a game. Actually we HAVE been playing a game. I like to call it 'Cat And Mouse'. Do you know why?"

I shook my head.

"It's like when a cat catches a mouse. The cat will play and torture the mouse until the cat finally gets bored and kills the mouse. And guess what, my little mouse? I'm getting bored."

Suddenly the chains were gone and the door was open. They all crouched, getting ready to pounce. I bolted out the door and into a long hallway.

"Get her!" I heard Ashley yell behind me.

As I ran, the sound of their growls echoed down the hall, making me run faster. I looked back and saw how close they were getting.

"Slow down." Ashley commanded with his telepathy.

Immediately I started to run slower. When I looked back again, they were right behind me. Then Jake turned into a lion and took a big leap. When he was above me he turned back into his normal form and landed on top of me, making us tumble down the hall and pinning me to the ground.

"No! Please! No!" I screamed, clawing at the floor and trying to wriggle out from under Jake.

My struggles were fruitless as Andy came and kicked me hard in the ribs, pain exploding throughout my torso. I screamed as tears were flowing down my face.

"That's what you get. If you didn't run, we might have made your death painless. But now we're going to torture you a little bit more." Andy growled.

CC walked up and put a rag to my nose. I held my breath, not wanting to pass out. Who knows what they'll do to me? CC growled and held my thrashing head.

"No! No! No!" I screamed in my mind.

"Breathe" Ashley commanded.

I breathed in.

The world went out.

When I woke up it was dark again. I was wrapped up in sheets. I must be on the bus. I felt something around my neck and when I touched it, I found out it was a collar chained to the bed. Getting up I discovered that I could walk pretty far without getting jerked back.

Feeling my way in the darkness, I found the door knob and walked out. When I got down the little hall, I was pinned up against the wall, gasping for air as a hand pressed me to the wall.

"Good, you're awake." Andy's voice sounded in my ear. "Cause I really wanted you to be awake when I kill you. Just so I can watch as the light fade from your eyes."

I wanted to scream. I wanted to run, but Andy's grip on my throat prevented me from doing anything.

I felt the tears slide down my face as the lights turned on and Andy was right in my face. Fangs bared, eyes as red as crimson.

His grip tightened as he chuckled and said, "Oh, Snow, weak...delicious Snow."

He leaned in and lightly kissed my pulse point. I felt his ice cold fangs glide along my neck, raising goose bumps on my arms and sending chills down my spine. The tips of his fangs pricked my neck, drawing a little bit of blood. Andy moaned as he slowly licked it up and positioned his teeth over my artery.

"Game over." Andy whispered.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the bite. "Andy I love you."

Before Andy could bite down, the bus door swung open and Ashley, Jake, CC, and Jinxx all came running inside.

"Andy, dont!" Jinxx yelled.

"The Moon is over! Stop!" CC yelled.

"Stop!" Jake and Ashley yelled.

Andy growled and bit down hard, sinking his fangs into my neck. I screamed and tried to pull him off me but he wouldn't move. He was too strong. They tried to pull him off but even four vampires couldn't get him off.

Andy just kept drinking and drinking. Then as if someone flicked a switch, he stopped, pulled back and I watched as his eyes changed from red to blue and his fangs hid beneath his gums. Realization slowly set in as Andy's face went from fierce to shocked and ashamed. He let go of me and backed up, covering his blood stained lips.

"Oh my god Snow..." He whispered. "I'm.. I'm so sorry."

They all looked at me, waiting to see if I would cry or run or pass out. But instead of any of those, I smiled wide and jumped into Andy's arms, hugging him tightly.

"You're back! Holy shit! You're back!" I cried.

Andy seemed taken back for a moment before he took off the collar and his arms wrapped around me and held me close, nuzzling his face in my hair.

"I'm so sorry Snow. Please forgive me. Forgive us. I didn't know what I was doing! Oh, god I'm so sorry. I promise you, I'll never hurt you again! I won't feed fro-"

I cut him off by kissing him.

"Shut up. I promised that no matter what you might do, I won't leave you. I love you."

His answering smile was stunning.

When I was done hugging Andy, CC came up behind me, snaking his arms around my waist, and spinning me around.

"SNOW!!!" He yelled.

I giggled as he hugged me. "CC!!!"

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"I'm sorry too." Ashley said.

"Words can not describe how sorry I am." Jinxx said as he came up and hugged me.

"Will you forgive me?" Jake asked.

"I forgive all of you. I'm just so glad you guys are yourselves again."

They all came up and hugged me.

"It's good to have you guys back."

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