Snow's News

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"We have news about your girlfriend Snow."

I turned around to see the same nurse that wouldnt let me going into the operating room.

"What?!" I asked, running over to her, a little to fast.

She seemed taken back by how fast I ran over to her. Calm down Andy. I'm sure she's fine. Just remember to slow down.

The nurse hesitated for a moment. "Well, it seems that you boys got her here just in time."

I breathed out the deep breath I didnt realize I was holding in.

"Any longer and she would have bled out. But we do need to keep her here for a couple of days. Just as a precaution. What are you boys to her anyways?"

I froze and looked at the guys.

"Uh...she's Andy's boyfriend obviously..." Jake spoke up.

"Oh, that's right! I remember you telling me that. My mistake. Anyways, She's awake now. Would you like to see her?"

"Yes, Please." I said.

She nodded and lead us through the big double doors to her room. As we walked down the halls I caught the scent of the "blood room". So did the rest of the guys cause they all sucked in a sharp breath. I looked at them and winked. Then we finally reached Snow's room. If my heart was beating, it would be racing right now. I've never been so scared in my life.

I opened the door to see Snow. She was laying in the hospital bed, watching SpongeBob on the tv. She looked so small and fragile in that big bed. She didnt belong here.

She noticed us walking in and gave us a weak smile. I've never been so happy to see those big brown eyes in my life. I walked over and sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Hi." She whispered back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess. I dont like needles..." She motioned with her chin to the IV in her arm.

"Yet, you dont mind having five vampires sink their razor sharp fangs into your neck every day.." CC snickered.

Snow kinda laughed. "It's not the same thing. Believe me."

I couldnt take it anymore. I asked the one burning question that I'm pretty sure all of us were wondering.

"Why?" I asked. My voice breaking a little.

She looked at me. Then she looked at the floor.

"I just couldnt take it. All the fear. The confusion. It was all too much. I had to escape it all. I never ment to kill myself... And I remembered that first night you brought me on the bus and locked me in the room. I was looking around and I found the knife in the drawer..." She was on the brink of tears. "So I took it and..." She just started full out crying now. Her heart monitor was beeping in a irregular way.

I pulled her in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried into my shoulder. I just sat there and stroked her hair.

"Shhh...Its going to be okay. Shh baby. Please dont cry." I soothed.

Snow was still hugging me when she huccuped and said, "No its not. You guys arent going to leave me alone now. You'll always have someone watching me. You'll hide all the sharp objects on the bus. I wont have as much freedom."

Ashley spoke up. "Well, you're right about that."

Jake, CC, and Jinxx all gave him looks.

"What? It's true. Im not going to lie to the poor girl."

I Would Die For You (Andy Biersack love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora