Bloody Beatings

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I was 14. It was the middle of the night and I was walking home. There were no cars on the street; no one was around. The place was deserted. Or so I thought. The steady slap of the soles of my shoes on the pavement was interrupted by voices behind me. They were male. I mentally cursed myself for walking alone after dark. A tight knot formed in the pit of my stomach as I sped up my walk and looked over my shoulder, my heart racing. Four figures were walking towards me. As they neared, I could barely make out what they looked like in the darkness.  

Snow just started to fall from the blackened sky, sticking to my eyelashes and chilling my bones. I hugged my arms around my torso, regretting the decision to wear a light jacket. The people got closer and I could see that the tallest out of all of them was about a head taller than me, and he wore a white t-shirt with dirty jeans. The next one wad close to my height with a heavy build, and he was wearing a dark blue hoodie. The third one was the second tallest and he wore heavy snow boots and was flipping a switchblade in his fingers. The last guy had his face hidden underneath a worn baseball cap as he drank from a glass bottle and passed it to the second guy. 

They all had a sway in their walk as they stumbled into each other, laughing like idiots. Great...they were drunk. And like everybody else in this town, they probably hate me. Just my luck. My mom is going to be so worried. 

"Hey, goth boy!" The tallest one yelled "Faggot!" Switchblade said. 

I walked faster, trying to ignore them like my dad said too. Keeping my head down, I turned left. I was just five blocks away from my house. I can make it...The heavy stomp of their shoes got closer and faster. I looked behind me and saw that they were running now, and quickly catching up. In a panic I ran across the street and down a short alley, trying to see if I could loose them. I was afraid that if they knew where I lived they would wait for me tomorrow.  

A hand gripped my jacket and pulled me down to the ground. My head hit with a sickening crack as the wind got knocked out of me. They smiled down at me as I lay on the snow covered ground, gasping for air. 

"What are you doing, goth boy? Are you going home so you can cut yourself? Huh? Answer me, you piece of shit!" Tall Guy said. 

I recognized these guys. They were high school seniors who, from their grade point averages, aren't graduating anytime soon. I just kept a straight face, careful not to show fear. When I tried to get up, the one with snow boots and switchblade kicked me in the ribs, knocking me to the ground again. Okay, that one hurt.  

I groaned and clutched my side. 

"What's the matter? Cat got your tounge?" The heavy one said. 

Switchblade smiled wickedly and flipped his knife, the sharp blade gleamed in the moon's light. I shivered but it wasn'tfrom the cold winter snow. 

"I'm going to have your tounge if you dont start talking." Switchblade threatened. I swallowed the lump in my throat and glared at them.  

"Go to hell." I ment to sound threatening but it came out sounding weak and feeble. 

They all laughed. Then a fist collided with the side of my face. Stars exploded from my vision and blood filled my mouth. I groaned and spat the blood on Tall Guy's face. He wiped it off and gave me a death glare. Then they all started punching and kicking me, each hit harder than the last. "That's what you get goth boy!' One of them yelled. 

They beat me until I wad bruised and bloody. But even then they didn't seem to stop. Switchblade used his knife to rip my Misfits shirt and threatened to stab me with it. The dude with the bottle broke it on my back, the broken shards cutting my skin. My lip was busted and my face resembled ground up hamburger meat. I think some of my ribs were broken but the cold numbed most of the pain. When they were done, they brushed themselves off and turned up leave.  

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