The Beggining Of The Blood Moon

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A/N: hello everyone. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating but something happened in my life that's too personal to say on the Internet even though I'm sure lots of other people do it for all types of reasons....anyways my mom took away my phone, computer, anything with Internet. And my music )': but my friend gave me her iPod and so now I have Internet and music (: so here it is, chapter 12! It's short. I know. And it sucks. I'm sorry. I've been having REALLY bad writer's block. Oh and i changed the name of the "vampire moon". it now called a blood moon. So can you guys comment some ideas for what the guys will do next in the next chapter? Or what snow will do? Will she run away and hide? Please help me out here people! (:


I woke up the next morning with one arm chained to the bed. My eyes were puffy from crying an my neck was sore and covered in dry blood. I looked around at my surroundings. Then realization hit me like a tidal wave. Andy...Scar...Running...Pain...Fear.

My heart started racing when I heard faint footsteps coming down the hall. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended I was still asleep right when Andy walked in. I felt the bed sink down when he crawled over and layed on top of me.

I heard his voice, low and dangerous in my ear, "I know you're awake."

I gulped and slowly opened my eyes. Andy's face was inches away from mine. His eyes hungry and burning red. He smiled and flashed his fangs at me, sending shivers down my spine. Andy lightly started to trace my collar bone.

"Im so thirsty. And your scent is intoxicating." He said and took a deep breath. "Like roses and rain."

Andy took another deep breath again except this time he moved til his mouth was inches from my throat. I felt the icy tips of his fangs glide along my neck, breaking the skin and making blood drip out. Then Andy licked it up slowly.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked, a sob escaping my mouth.

Andy chuckled. "Only if you're lucky."

Then I felt something razor sharp dig into my neck.

The pain from Andy's bite was worst than all Ashley's, Jake's, Jinxx's, and CC's combined. I screamed til my throat was sore and tears were flowing down my face. He pulled away when I felt like I was about the pass out.

Then he got up and left. Andy came back ten minutes later and threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the front of the bus. I looked around and there were bodies everywhere. The further we got to the front, the more it smelt like blood. It made me sick. It took all I had to keep from gagging. When we walked out I gasped. Ashely, Jake, Jinxx, and CC all had their mouths latched onto someone's neck.

"Oh. My. God." I whispered.

They all looked up at the sound of my voice. There was blood everywhere. On their clothes, dripping from their mouths, they even somehow managed to get it in their hair. And their eyes....

Their eyes were the reddest and brightest I've ever seen them. They dropped the bodies they were drinking from and walked over to me and Andy. I tried to hide behind Andy but he made me stay where I was. Ashley licked the blood from his lips and dropped down to my eye level. He smiled and snapped his teeth just inches away from my throat, making me squeal and flinch. He laughed and grabbed a fistful of my hair, tugging my head back and off to the side, exposing my neck.

The next thing I know Ashely sunk his fangs into my neck which was soon followed by 4 more bites in my arms from Jinxx, Andy, CC and Jake. It felt like my whole body was on fire. I screamed out from the pain it caused.

When it was over Ashely licked the blood from my neck the way he licks his bass on stage. Then Andy led me to the couch. He set me on his lap and played with a strand of my hair every now and then. He would occasionally bite my neck and lightly suck out the blood.

Over the course of an hour and a half, Andy made me sit there and watch as they drained body after body.

After Andy finished his 14th body he turned to me.

"We're going out," He breathed in my face.

His breath reeked of blood. I had to keep myself from throwing up in his face. CC grabbed my arm and led me back to my room. When we got there he threw me on the floor. I turned back to look at him and saw a hint of sadness in his pale features. It quickly went away and was replaced with a fierce, hungry expression. Then he slammed the door shut and I heard the little click of the lock.

I let out a shakey breath that I didn't realize I was holding in.

"Calm down, Snow." I reminded myself. "They don't mean to hurt you." It's just that damn Blood Moon...

That night I was kept awake by my nightmares of Andy killing me over and over again.

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