Passionate Love

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Early the next morning, Tokyo and Killer's barking woke me up. I groaned and tried to roll over but couldn't because Ashley's musclely arms constricted around me. His steady breathing blew in my hair and tickled my neck. The room around me slowly came into focus as the fuzziness of sleep faded away. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and blinked a couple times as I took in my surroundings. Tokyo's furry face came into view, tounge out and tail wagging. He licked my face and barked at me.

Whipping the saliva off my face, I patted his head. "Good dog..." I said.

The Killer jumped on the bed and whined at me. I sighed and tried to wake up Ashley. He was slowly waking up but his grip on me tightened.

"Ashley wake up." I said and shook him.

"Huh?" He blinked.

"Your dogs are in need of assistance." I pointed to the dogs.

"What's wrong?" He said scratching his head.

"I'm guessing since they haven't been let outside since last night, they need to pee."

He groaned. "Ugh. Okay." He unwrapped his arms from around me and stretched them over his head. I watched his muscles flex and unflex.

He yawned, his fangs slightly protruding from his gums.

"Come on! Time to go outside!" Ashley said in his puppy voice. It was adorable.

We both got up out of bed to let the dogs out. I looked down and noticed I wasn't wearing my clothes from yesterday. I was in an oversized shirt that said "OUTLAW" on it like Ashley's tattoo. Did he change me into this when I was asleep? Or did I ask him for something to wear and I can't remember?

"Uh...Why am I wearing this?" I asked, tugging lightly at the shirt.

"Cause I put it on you." He said as he put on a pair of sweatpants.


"When you were asleep."


"What? It's not like I've never seen you naked before."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'm not talking about that. We all see it in Andy's mind." He explained.

Gah! Andy thinks about me naked. Lovely. I blushed and shook my head as I followed Ashley to the backyard. We let the dogs run around and do their business. My ringtone blasted from my phone where it lay on the couch inside.

"Be right back." I said and walked into the house.

Andy's name flashed across the top the screen, his text under it. I picked up my phone and read the message.

'I'm coming over to get you. I love you'

The corner of my mouth tipped up in a small smile as the anticipation to see Andy settled in. Ashley walked in with Tokyo and Killer scittering ahead of him and over to me. I sat on the couch as I petted the dogs, Ashley's eyes transfixed on me.

"Where are my clothes?" I asked.

"In my room." He answered, his voice hoarse. He coughed as he tried to clear his throat.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little thirsty, that's all."

"Oh. Well, here. Drink from me." I said, extending my wrist to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked, looking at my wrist, unsure.

"Yeah. It's not like you've never drank from me. And it's better then you using your powers to make me give my blood to you."

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