Out Of Control

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The moon was full, its bright white glow iluminating the night. It's was three years ago when it happened. My mortality and my humanity were cruely taken away from me. It was before I joined the band but I knew the guys at that time.

I was walking home from the bar, just a little tipsy. I turned down an alley that I always go down on my way home.There was rustling by some trash cans. I heard a pained moan as I saw something move in the corner of my eye. Squinting in the darkness, I saw a woman huddled by piles of garbage. The woman had dark brown hair and black eyes that seemed to peer straight through your soul. Her clothes were torn and stained with a dark substance. The rusty metallic smell in the air told me it was blood. The stains were dry but I knew what it was.

She was crying and clutching her throat as she coughed dryly. Her skin was sickly pale in the moon's light. The woman looked up at me with eyes black as obsidian. The moon shone on her face and I saw that despite her tears, she was beautiful. I was taken back by how beautiful she was.

"Excuse me, miss? Are you alright?" I asked her, approaching her slowly.

"Come here..." She groaned. It almost sounded like a growl.

I stepped closer.

"Closer..." She beckoned.

I stepped closer, lost in her dark, haunting gaze. The hairs on my arms were standing on end. My human instinct was screaming at me to run but there was something about this woman that told me to stay. As I got closer to her withering form, I could have sworn I saw her eyes flash a fiery red. I blinked and they were back to black. I shrugged it off and blamed it on the few beers I drank earlier.

"Closer!" She screamed and grabbed a fistfull of my shirt, pulling me closer.

"Woah! What the hell?" I said, trying to break free.

The woman hissed and grabbed my hair angling my head to the side.

"What the fuck?! Get the hell away from me!" I said and pushed her away.

"How dare you try to escape me, a vampire! You pathetic human!"

"Vampire? You're crazy! Get away from me!" I said and startedto run down the alley.

The woman growled and grabbed my ankle, causing me fall on the ground, landing hard on my arm. I groan and rolled on my side, clutching my injured arm. She pounced on me and rested her lips next to my ear.

I tried to move out from under her but it was no use.

"W-what do you want?" I stuttered. Fear caused my body to shake.

The woman giggled and took a deep breath before she whispered, "Your blood."

Then I felt something sharp dig into my neck. I yelled out in pain and tried to fight against the woman on top of me. The sound of her gulping down my blood echoed in my ear. I wanted to gag, it was so disgusting. A few minutes past and I could feel my strength and my life slowly draining. I closed my eyes and waited for death to consume me.

But then it felt like fire seeped into my blood and scorched my veins. I screamed as my back arched off the ground and the fiery venom coursed through me. My whole body felt like the woman had set it aflame. Speaking of the woman, I looked around for her. When my eyes landed on her smiling face she smiled wider and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as the pain intensified.

"You'll make a great vampire." She said, her words softly caressing my cheek.

I screamed again and closed my eyes tight as I lay withering in searing pain on the ground.

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