Tickle Monster

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Since the Blood Moon ended, the guys haven't stopped apologizing for what they did. And speaking of what they did, we've been cleaning the bus. So far it's almost completely bloodstain free.

Right now we're at a truck stop in Texas to fill up on gas and snacks. I was walking towards the bus when two arms picked me up and spun me around.

"Hello beautiful." Andy whispered in my ear.

"Hi handsome." I said and turned around to face him.

"Can I have a bite of that?" He said, referring to my half eaten Snickers bar.

I handed him the candy bar. "A bite."

He smiled mischievously and shoved the whole thing in his mouth.

"Hey! I said a bite, not the whole thing!"

He smiled as he chewed, and flashed a big chocolate covered smile.

"You owe me a new Snickers." I said and walked away.

"I love you!" He yelled behind me.


"Is it safe to go in now?" I said, eyeing the bus.

"After about 30 bottles of stain remover, and countless scrubbing later, I'd say yes. It's safe to go in." Jinxx said beside me.

The bus door opened slowly. I climed the steps with caution, expecting to smell blood, but was surprised when I got a whiff of bleach and lemons. The bus was spotless. Not a thing out of place. Not a drop of blood on the carpet.

"Wow. I'm impressed." I said, disbelief ringing in my voice.

"Thanks. The bus hasn't been this clean since...well, ever." Andy said.

I took a deep breath. "Mmmm... It smells so good. Like lemons."

"To you. All I can smell is bleach." CC muttered, covering his mouth and nose.

"EW! I CAN TASTE IT!" Jake yelled as he ran out.

"Open the windows. Let the place air out." Jinxx instructed.

Ashley walked up. "And I can garentee that by tomorrow, this place will be just as dirty as it was. Only with no blood."

"Speaking of no blood," CC said from the fridge. "there's no blood."

"We'll get more later." Andy said.

"You guys don't have to do that." I said.

"Yes we do. I don't like putting you through that kind of pain. I promised that I would stop hurting you." Andy said, holding my hand.

"But I don't like it when you steal blood from hospitals. That blood could be used to save peoples' lives. I'd rather you drink from me. Besides...it doesn't hurt that bad." The last part was a lie.

"But that blood could be used to save your life."

"I don't care. I'd rather die than have innocent people die because there wasn't any blood to keep them alive."

"Snow, please-"

"No. You guys will feed from me and that's final."

"Fine." Andy sighed.

"So.. Bon Apetiet!" I said and moved my hair so my neck was fully exposed.

"Alright!" CC said with a big grin. Before he bit down he pulled back and looked me in the eye and said, "I'm sorry."

I Would Die For You (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now