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I despise you, Jiang Chen.

Out of everyone speaking ill about the life of my child... our child... your silence made me hate you each passing second. How could you stay still in your chair, let these men talk about killing your baby and still act like nothing serious is happening?

When you told them, you were fine with killing my baby, I knew that staying close to you was never a safe option anymore. You instantly shred the trust I have left for you. You pushed me on the edge. You never even considered what I would feel!

You will never see me and my child before the sun rises. I couldn't possibly live under one roof with someone who was fine with having his child murdered.

I didn't know how much I cried that night. I was still inside the bathroom, not moving. I was taking everything I heard in, and no matter how hard I try, my system wouldn't accept what I heard.

I lost a baby and I didn't know.

I almost lost a baby and I didn't know.

I felt violated. It was my right to know what is happening in my body yet no one took the time to tell me what I'm going through!

They all made me a clueless fool wandering the hospital when she had a dead unborn child that she should be mourning for!

I only have me and my child. I'm going to raise the baby, I'll make sure it sees the light of day; and I don't care if I die along the way. I can't waste another precious life... to let him be in danger would be a sin to his other twin I couldn't take care of.

I didn't finish the conversation. I think I heard enough. Besides, my mind is blank and it won't understand everything going around me.

I took the door closing as my cue to leave this hell immediately. I don't trust a single person in this hospital. Take care of people, my ass. This establishment is hell; for me and my child!

I hurriedly walked across the room after checking if it was empty. It seems like they left already. My movement were small, precise and quiet; not daring to make a single noise. I felt like I was hopeless prey, if I get caught, it's the end for me.

I managed to succesfuly leave that bastard Jiang Chen's room. That room was suffocating and I won't know what peace is until I leave the goddamn hospital.

I tried to walk like I was fine to not draw attention to me but I figured I still failed when the nurses pushing their cart were looking at me curiously. I get it, my eyes are tired and swollen, from the crying I did inside that bathroom.

The huge clock located at the center of the wall told me thatit was half past 1 in the morning. No one is to see me after the sun rises. I'll make fucking sure of it.

When I left the topmost floor, my steps became heavy and my heart was racing fast. I was heaving. The conversation played again and again inside my head and I can't help but break down as I walk... my vision is blurry once again because of the tears trying to fall. I can't break down now!

It was a miracle I reached my room without passing out. Everyone was still asleep and it was dark inside. I figured this was the perfect time to carry out my plan.

The bag below my bed is not big, it was sling bag. I can't bring any clothes with me, not that I have too many to bring here anyway. My clothes are in Jiang Chen's house! And I will never step foot inside that bastard's hourse again.

I checked my wallet to see if it could help me survive for days. It wasn't enough but I could manage. I just really need to leave this building as soon as possible.

I left with only a sling bag with a wallet inside. I don't know how I'm going to make it alone. But when I realized I was outside the building I realized that I was free from their chain. We're free.

It was pitch black. The cold wind sent shiver down my spine. Wearing only a tshirt, I hugged myself to keep me warm.

The empty road felt wide. I can take a taxi right now but I have to be very wise in spending my money.

The full moon was my only guide. I don't know where my feet will take me, but wherever it is, as long as I'm far from them, I'm content.

The time was never in my notice, I only found myself sitting at a bench looking at the road slowly being filled by the golden ray of the rising sun. It took me a while to realize that I was already far from the hospital but still not safe. I was still in the vicinity of the city where the hospital stood, Beijing.

I'm sure Jiang Chen is looking for me now, and I know that the police are involved too in locating me.

Time is of the essence. I can't waste a single minute now.

I need to take any bus I can ride and hope that no one is notified about my dissapearance. I need to stay low key and avoid acting suspicious.

It didn't take long when I noticed a green bus passing by the waiting shed I was standing. The bus was huge.

The driver opened the door and without hesitation, I entered.

The bus had two decks. Trying not blend with the crowd as much, I opted to sit at the furthest seat at the second deck. The comfort room was beside me but I did not mind. Beside me was the window, passing by buildings of Beijing.

I'm going to leave my destination to the driver of this bus. From then on, I will plan what to do for my next stop.

My stomach rumbled. I didn't eat well last night, it was only sushi and rice. I've wasted too much energy walking from the hospital to the bus stop I rested in. I could estimate that it was already kilometers away.

I'm sorry, baby, but you have to keep up with me for now. Unless, I can make sure that everything is fine, I'll go to the nearest restaurant I can find.

My eyelids were heavy and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

My slumber was cut off when I felt someone shrugging my shoulder. Surprised, I saw the conductor of the bus awkwardly smiilng.

"We've finished the route. Do you have somewhere to go?" He asked.

I was carefully observing him and when I felt something was off with his offer, I immediately declined.

"Yes." Was all I could say. I imediately took the fare from my wallet before anything happens to me inside that huge bus.

Walking alone once again in the middle of the night. I realized that the place was not familiar to me. This place is obviously far form the capital, as evident from its rural setting.

Not far from where I'm standing, I could see houses across that were made from wood. On my right, there was a wet market, and because of the time, it was already closed. It then dawned on me that I was alone in this place, cold, with a creepy man beside me.

Trusting my feet to where it'll take me, I tried to keep myself away from that bus. I'm afraid of what might happen to me. If there's one thing I'm sure of, my instincts never lie.

I found myself walking towards another town that was livelier than where I was. There were lanterns in every pole, and unlike the first place, this place had stores open.

I went towards an eatery. Almost all the inns and eateries here are made of wood.

The cook was serving hotpot. As if my body had a mind of its own, I immediately went inside that restaurant and ordered for a hotpot.

The cook was quick in serving the dish. Going back to my spot, I was carrying a bowl of hotpot. I don't think I could settle with only one bowl honestly.

I sat down and started to sip on the soup. It was delicious. I ate like I was starving for years... I didn't mind the look of the people looking at me because of how I eat. They are the least of my concern.

I don't know if it was because of the spicy taste of the hotpot but I found myself tearing up out of the blue. I was so exhausted today and a part of myself is proud for reaching this far... I'm sick but I miraculously survived my journey.

One gulp from the bowl and I was crying. In an instant, my life changed. I'm alone, eating in a restaurant late at night, in a place I don't know. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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