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After a rough hour assisting patients on their wards, I felt very exhausted and wanted to sleep... Sleep very long. To be perfectly honest, I can't even recall the last time I slept soundly.

These past few days, everything was just chaotic. As a doctor, I should always ensure my everyone's health in this hospital is in it's perfect condition, thus taking care of a hundred patients' illnesses all at once, makes that goal impossible to reach.

It has been a week since Xiaoxi was admitted here.

I tried not to pour all of my attention to Xiaoxi... and as a doctor, I should not treat only one patient because that would be unfair. It is my obligation to keep biases away from my work... But now, seeing Xiaoxi endure an illness we don't even know, makes me very worried as she spends more days in her ward.

When she was ran here from the hospital, we  thought she just had a great fever that went out of hand, left uncared. As I was checking her vitals, I could not focus. I was trying my best to hold back my tears that were wanting to escape my eyelids...

She was pale and her lips were losing color. As the ambulance that we were in ran to it's fastest speed, all I wanted in this very moment was for the time to stop.

Was it something that she ate? Something she is going through? Was it the stress?

This can't keep going on.

After years of perfecting my profession and exchanging Xiaoxi once for this damn job, I feel so dissapointed that not a single thing could help me decipher this shit my wife is going through.

All I know, is that this is not a fever. Not a cold. This is definitely more serious and fatal than what's seen on the surface. And I hate that I'm here, tending other people's injuries when I have a wife, battling for her life!

Can I just resign? Leave this building and personally tend to my wife alone? Can I be selfish just this once?

I was tightly holding Xiaox's hands when my phone rang. It was 2 in the morning. Xiaoxi is sleeping soundly, and seeing her peacefully resting, fulfills me.

I took a glance on my phone to find out why it rang. It was the director of the hospital calling me. I'm sure this is an emergency. The director rarely calls during this hour, and when he does something must be very urgent.

"We've finally figured Xiaoxi's case." The director immediately started.

I immediately stood from my seat, partially excited with the news. But at the same time, I was weakened by the thought that this might be a very serious case, as evident by the director's tone.

"I can't talk about it on the phone. Meet me in my office. Just, prepare yourself." His last words made me stand still on the spot. The phone was already beeping, telling that the call was already dropped.

I don't want to know what it is but I have to for Xiaoxi... if I can share her pain, I'd willingly own it.

*Chen Xiaoxi's POV*

I'm awake but my body doesn't want to move. I'm not paralyzed, but my mind sure is making my body be. I guess no amount of sleep can quench the exhaustion from everything happening the past few days.

I'm mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. I'm at the point where I'm considering to give up...

I shrugged the thought. I can't be emotionally fragile in a time like this. I can't afford to! I wanna be mad at myself for giving up so easily when I'm not even going through something as hard as other people! I'm still in the hospital being tended to, and yet I'm acting like I'm hopeless!

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