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Xiaoxi's POV

I know for sure that Chen is lying. I can tell it from his eyes and tone of uncertainty. If there's one thing Chen is awful at, it would be his awfulness at lying.

I don't know why Chen is lying. At first, we promised to tell each other's problems or secrets, be it ugly or good, we should always let each other know. Bur right now, I don't think he even remembered that we had a promise in the first place.

I heaved a deep sigh. It was a sigh of disappointment that Chen would know. There's nothing I could to make this man spill the truth. Being the secretive and withdrawn person that he is, I am not shocked that this man will share anything with me.

However, a small portion of me is still utterly disappointed in him. Jiang Chen, I thought you were better than that.

I turned to the other side of the bed and hugged my pillow tightly. The bed was giving me excruciating pains in the back, but right now, I couldn't care about that.

Jiang Chen caressed my cheek as I was facing opposite to him.

"Please don't tell me you're mad." he silently said.

I pretended I didn't hear him and I continued to sleep because right now, seeing him makes me realize how I am much dissapointed about the fact that Chen was once someone who would tell me everything and just be honest overall.

I woke up the next day and as I opened my eyes, I saw the digits entered in the analog clock pinned on the wall.

11:30, SAT

It's Saturday.

Thinking about Saturday, a thought crossed my mind about family. Since it's Saturday, dad and mom must be unbusy today.

Talking about Mom and Dad, i haven't seen them come to me at the hospital since I became conscious.

When this thought crashed mu head, I was a bit sad. However, I looked at the brighter side and thought that maybe Mom and Dad are busy that's why they couldn't visit me often or maybe they did visit me before, maybe only the days where I was still unconscious.

But it's Saturday. And Saturday is their free day. They will surely visit me today cause there is nothing to do this day for them. Maybe I'll just ask them if Chem won't still let me know everything. My parents will never lie to me.

I rose from my bed and stretched my hand carefully. I stretched my legs so wide that I even heard crackbone noises. My neck was still for a long time which led me to endure the pain for hours. And when I was fine, I realized I was smelling awful due to the days I didn't took a bath.

I reached out for the alarm and tried to call one of the nurses to come in my room.

The nurse went inside pushing a cart carrying my today's breakfast/lunch along with syringes and medicines.

The nurse that went to my ward was actually pretty. She wore a light makeup on her face and even greeted me with her smile.

I smiled in return.

The nurse hurriedly assisted me delicately in order to sit properly on my bed. As I finally got my posture, she then fixed my bed and placed the breakfast in bed table. She even asked if I wanted her to feed me, which I said no, for its ridiculous.

After eating and stuffing my empty stomach, I asked the nurse if it was okay for me to take a bath already. The nurse said yes and was generous enough to assist me to the bath station.

As I was sitting on my wheelchair that is being pushed by the nurse, I was looking closely at the waiting station if ever Mom or Dad was there. But after minutes of passing there. They weren't there.

The bath station was very big. Elders and children were here, medicating themselves thru hygiene. Some were even bathed by the nurses because some of them has no arms or some of them can't move a muscle anymore.

After coming out of the station, I still roved my eye to the waiting lobby if Mom and Dad was there, but they still were absent.

Going back to my room, I felt a different aura.

My aura right now is positive— although the fact Mom and Dad aren't and Chen is lying to me still bothers me a bit. However, I have to understand that these people have their own businesses to attend to.

I spent hours and hours sitting on my bed and watch the hands of the clock move. And after quite some time I heard a crack on the door.

The door opened slowly creating a quiet creak.

I was very excited because I know it's Mom and Dad; and having them right now is just what I need.

But I was wrong.

It's Lin Jingxiao, Lu Yang, My Comic Family, Li Wei, and Bosong.

"Hey baby Xiaoxi, feeling a little bit tired after being a Sleeping Beauty for weeks eh?" teased Bosong as she handles me a rose and teddy bear.

I try not to cry at the moment because of the fact my parents didn't come to see me.

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