Chapter XII: Trust In Me

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I was staring at the floor where the glass I was holding fell. My mind wasn't focusing well. Everything I see was turning. My vision was getting duller. I could feel the my lungs shortening of air. My heart was beating abnormally.

*Jiang Chen's POV*

The sound of a broken glass cut the conversation between me and mom. The conversation was about me being offered an exclusive duty outside China, the same offer that became the root between me and Xiaoxi break-up. And in this state and phase, I'm not letting me and Xiaoxi's relationship break, not by the same reason. Even if mom was trying her best to convince me to agree like I care about money rather than my wedded life with Xiaoxi, she is wrong. Before she said the words "A hospital in" I already had a decision beneath my sleeves. NO. I'm happy with the career I'm investing my time with here in Beijing. Going outside this country will put a lot of risks, not only for my career but also the life that I'm sharing now with Xiaoxi.

After hearing such noise, I swiftly ran to the kitchen and saw a broken glass lying freely on the floor and Xiaoxi lying unconsciously. I could feel the tension starting to grow inside me. My hands were shaking from the intense nerve I was feeling. I was about to check her pupils when I realized that I was wasting time and had to admit her to the hospital immediately.

The ambulance was running at the fastest speed while I was assisting one of the nurses inside as I was doing a check on Xiaoxi. Could this be fatigue from her unhealed cold? Maybe. Before this whole mom-visitation event came up, Xiaoxi was so nervous that she preapared so hard that she forgot she is still sick. I warned her before but she chose to disobey.

Xiaoxi's POV

I was waking up and found myself lying at a hospital room, wearing a robe, injected needles on my veins. My head was too heavy and painful when I was about to get up so I did not fathom. When I faced the right side of the bed I saw Jiang Chen sleeping soundly while holding my hand. His mouth was widely-opened, signaling the sleepless nights he went through.

Wait, I collapsed?

But how? I'm sure I was already fine after the cold I had few days ago. Dr. Su also noted that the cold is gone and I can do whatever I want. This is strange.

As I was recalling everything that happened from last night, my head started to hurt once again, so I tried not to recollect those harsh memories that might disintegrate my brain like the glass did.

As I was lying uncomfortably, I suddenly felt to comfortable after seeing Jiang Chen's cherubic face sleeping while holding the palm of my hands. The little bangs covering his forehead was swaying left and right as the electric fan focuses in each direction. His warm and apple-red lips was directing towards the knuckles of my hands, making the edges of his front teeth touching the skin. Not to mention the saliva running to my hands.

I tried my hardest not to recall what previously happened. It was too much for me to handle. Everything Jiang Chen's mom said about me pounded my dignity to the smallest state. Xiaoxi, forget, forget.

After having a nap, I saw Jiang Chen standing up while checking the devices that were sticking to me. I pretended I was still asleep while I feel Jiang Chen moving the gadgets from my body.

"Xiaoxi, it's been four days. Even if it takes a year or a decade, I'd still wait for you."

I rose from the bed ecstatically making the devices fall to the floor. My eyebrows rose to level of my forehead with my mouth widely open, denoting surprise.

"Four days? Are you serious? Please tell me you aren't." I asked while pulling his arms, creating the sound of satisfying cracking bones.

Without saying a single word, he embraced me tightly, making me feel uncomfortable and worried about everything that's happening. I could feel the warmth of his tears crippling through my shoulders. He was keeping a silent tone, afraid of crying loud.

"The cold you thought wasn't a cold after all. It was a rare sickness that we are currently investigating." he said while turning back, wiping the tears from the sleeves of his robe.

"No. Is it deadly? Is my life hanging on a thread? Is there a date scheduled when I die?" I said in voice while shaking, injecting all the pressure I was feeling right now.

I suddenly felt my heart beating to a slower pace after Jiang Chen assured I was gonna be fine. But there was still a piece of me... feeling kind of strange.

"How about Mom and Dad? Do they know?"

"No. It's better not to tell them especially now that you're mom has been having hypertension."

"Wait, when did she had one?"

"When you fell into deep slumber, we were about to tell her, but your father said not to because it would be too much for her to handle."

"So, it is true after all. I was checked-in here for four days. Don't worry, once I get discharged, I'll find a way to pay all these bills." I suggested

"Where will you get 50,000 RMB for one day?"

"From my comic books."

"Sadly, your comic books are selling poorly, it is given only 2 months of publication if it keeps standing like this phase."

"I was only gone for four days but everything went shitty?"

"Don't worry, I'll pay for the bills. I'll ask for a two-month advance."

We went unusually silence as he fixed the devices that fell on the floor.

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