CHAPTER VIII: Meet Your New Maid, Chen Xiaoxi

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*Chen Xiaoxi's POV*

Beef stew, fried chicken, and fried rice! My favorite trio!

See how Jiang Chen's cooking skill improved? At first all he knew was to boil water and fry eggs but now he knows how to flip the egg in mid-air, stew correctly, and cook deliciously! The sizzling-hot fried chicken were calling my mouth, the soup from the beef stew and the fried rice too! This might be the best breakfast I ever had!

While I was about suck all of the food into my mouth my phone rang all of a sudden.

*phone rings

*Incoming Call: Mom

It's mom. I wonder why she called. Maybe she's running out of money again and is asking some from me.

"Xiaoxi, I just wanted to check on you. Are you okay? Is Jiang Chen treating you badly? If so, use the technique I used to teach you." Mom never really runs out of humour.

Oops. Jiang Chen heard Mom.

Jiang Chen took the phone from my hand and answered Mom confidently.

"Hello Mom. I just wanted to tell you that I'll never treat Xiaoxi badly, instead I'm treating her like a princess." he said promptly. There was silence on Mom's phone and suddenly hung later.

Jiang Chen hurriedly took the phone away from me and placed on top of the drawer. Since it was too high for me, I obviously couldn't reach it.

He said that we should eat first because he put a lot of effort in cooking the dish for me. Since he knows that I am an eating machine and I couldn't disagree, he carried me to the kitchen and fed me like toddler. I pointed the chicken joy first, since it was my favorite food, but Jiang Chen disagreed and said I should stay from oily and fatty foods because I am not yet fully-healed.

Instead, he ate all of them alone. And what was left for me to eat was the ever-disgusting vegetable salad.

Everytime he would put the spoon in my mouth, I would turn my head to the other side. He can never force me to eat such food.

"If you don't eat it, I'll stay at the hospital for one week." he said with the tip of his eyebrow pinched.

I still shook my head and said, "It's okay if you stay there for one week, because I'll be staying with you! I'll follow you wherever you go!" I said while eating a crumb from the chicken joy.

He stood up from the kitchen table and went to the bedroom, packed his clothes and went outside. Not even taking a shower.

"Please tell me you aren't angry." I said to him while holding the bag.

"Are you coming or what?"

I nod my head and grabbed one chicken leg and munched it swiftly. Jiang Chen was already at the car, beeping loudly. I locked the door and went inside the car.

Jiang Chen turned on the radio and coincidentally, it was playing the song that I used to audition at Super Girls.

Jiang Chen laughed at me as he remembered how I looked like a clown back then because I didn't know how to apply make-up.


Finally, we reached the hospital. Surprisingly, there were only few people at the hospital. Which is a good thing because it would be less stressful for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen went to the office to log himself up, and told me to go to his office because he will go somewhere. I couldn't say no so I just waited for him in his office.

Goodness, what is this place?

When I opened the door to Jiang Chen's office, it looked like he hadn't touch a broom in years. The dust were as thick as the grass, cobwebs were hanging freely in every corner, and anything you can imagine in your old rusty attic.

I sat by the chair and opened some of his books. Medicine, biology, organs. Gosh, his brain must be fed up with skin and bones. Doesn't he read other books besides opening one's chest widely?

How To Make Your Wife Love You Everyday

For a moment, I blushed so hard and was surprised at the same time. I thought he was a smart person, but why can't he figure out how to make girls fall in love with her? Men truly aren't perfect after all.

Instead of waiting for Jiang Chen, I made my waiting time "productive" by cleaning the whole room. I knew it. He hasn't touched a broom since Middle School. There are no brooms nor anything that could tidy his room up.

I went outside his room and went to Dr. Su's office to borrow a broom and a feather duster. But she insisted that I should spend some time with her before I transition into a maid.

"How was Jiang Chen as a husband?" She asked.

I replied to her saying that Jiang Chen was the best husband. That he took care of me when I was sick, and that he cooks that best dishes in the world. She looked at me with an envious look.

"When will I find my own Jiang Chen?" she asked while gripping the neck of the broom.

We had a conversation that was a bit long, so I had to cut it off. I went to Jiang Chen's room and started cleaning this "attic".

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