Chapter XI: Patience Is A Virtue

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*Chen Xiaoxi's POV*

I can feel my blood rising impeccably as I was holding myself back to avoid hitting her straight in the ass. She wore a childish grin at me, denoting how dumb I looked like. I admit, I have no idea about following certain dress codes, the only point is to wear something to cover your thingies.

Following dress codes was too dumb for me to follow. When I was in the Middle School, we had a prom and we were instructed to wear formal red tux and dresses. Renting or buying that type of dress was to expensive, enough for our family to skip 10 breakfasts. Mom was willing to burn some money, but I disagreed. Why should I wear a very expensive attire for a single night only? Anyway, no one will dance me either. I don't want to put my family's entire paycheck on my body. Instead, I wore a pastel-blue short dress and a seductive red high heels with matching 2 RMB necklace and earrings. Everyone laughed at me as I made my way to the party. It was a nightmare for since then after I knew how important dress codes are when attending parties.

My eyes were rolling 25° up mentally, not letting her see me wanting her to drown in her in the tub. Her witch-like nails were making cringe-worthy sounds on the teacup which makes my brain want to explode. It was like the sound of spoons and forks rubbed against each other.

The room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. None of us were talking, trying to move a muscle from the lip. She didn't lay a tongue on the tea, and was hesitating to intake it. She kept on looking at her phone, trying to entertain herself from this disturbing boredom.

After very long hours of silence, Jiang Chen's mom broke the awkwardness and started asking about me and his son. And in that moment, I kept on stuttering and felt like I was on the hot seat.

She wasn't satisfied with out conversation and started calling Jiang Chen. Everything isn't going according to plan.

8 rings later Jiang Chen picked the phone.

Her cold voice vibrated to the phone as her mom was tapping the edge of the table from being bored. Her mom wasn't expecting he will pick the phone, and was surprised after greeting her warmly. A small grin from her lips formed as Jiang Chen's voice travel to her ears.

"Jiang Chen, I'm here at your house, and Xiaoxi isn't giving me good company. I'll be waiting for you here."

Without replying, Jiang Chen dropped the call and we went back to being ghosts not giving a single $hit about thus whole drama.

Out of the blue, Jiang Chen went inside with surprise painted on his face, not knowing a single about everything that's happening. His sweat was making her hair wet, signaling the traffic he encountered on his way here. I hurriedly stood from my seat and went to the bathroom and handed him the towel, but he pulled me in the kitchen, wanting a secret conversation from me.

"How did it go? Is the cloud clearing up between you two? What did she say?" Her eyes were widening while asking me with a hush volume to his voice.

I shook my head sideways as I was holding his hands. He was expecting everything was going fine, but since I didn't want to burst the bubble. I just nodded, approving.

When we went outside, I could still feel the awkwardness occupying the corners of the room. Her mom was staring at her phone impatiently after me and Jiang Chen hid for several moments. She was tapping the cup with her nails and it made me feel the cringe once again.

It felt like the spirit of awkwardness was inside our bodies. Jiang Chen was staring at his phone, I was staring on his face, her mom watching our dry and uncared plants.

It was already half past 6 in the afternoon when I had the gut to break the silence. I hurriedly changed the subject of our conversation to her 24 karat earrings. Jiang Chen was about to sleep but was disrupted when he heard the tone of my voice.

Meanwhile, while the conversation was going, Jiang Chen's mom suddenly asked for water after spending her saliva talking about her dramatic life to us. Since it is part of my plan to look nice (which I actually am) in front of her, I need to do anything she desires, except for commanding me to break up with Jiang Chen. That's never gonna happen ;)

I stood from the chair and felt the numbness at my butt after sitting there for almost 5 hours. My back was making that satisfying crack sounds that gave me the urge to moan satisfyingly. I headed to the kitchen to get the water to quench her thirst. Going back, I heard Jiang Chen's mom talking to Jiang Chen in a low volume.

"Jiang Chen, you threw the greatest opportunity Beijing offered you few years ago, you were about to be the director at a prestigious hospital but you chose that dumb girl over it. Now, a hospital based in Sydney is offering you a job there, and if they get satisfied with your work, there's a chance a promotion of you becoming a director there is possible. Now, for crying out loud, please don't tell me you're choosing that garbage over this once-in-a-blue-moon offer." she said.

After hearing such words, I wasn't able to move a single muscle. My heart was beating slowly. Every second that my mind remembers everything that happened earlier feels like wrecking ball wrecking my insides. Dumb girl. Those two words were enough to tear out the sanity in me. After doing everything for her, she couldn't see a single place for forgiveness for me. This too much. I can't handle this anymore.

Unconsciously, the glass of water I was holding slipped through my hands, disintegrating into pieces on the floor.

(next chapter in 2 hours ;))

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